Vygotsky and the Vygotskians: A cure of the split psychology
Vygotsky and the Vygotskians → Marx' economico-philosophical anthropology and a
psychological meta-theory
Paradoxical mental configurations → Need for freedom, Specifically Human Basic Need (SHBN)
Social psychology → Psychosocial identity, social categorization
Psychosocial identity, social categorization
Psychosocial identity as transaction cost modifier
Psychosocial case study on the Hungarian poet Attila Jozsef
Economic and political psychology
Social identity as transaction cost modifier
Human resources, human capital
The second modernization (→ Bolshevik-type constructions of the second modernization)
Need for freedom, Specifically
Human Basic Need (SHBN)
1962a. |
Problems of a need for freedom. Psychological Issues, IV. Budapest.: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]. 9-24. |
b. |
The psychology of the beauty. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 4. 488-511. |
c. |
The psychology of the religious alienation. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle. 19. 213-221. |
1963a |
On the affective relations in man. Psychological Issues, V. Budapest.: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]. 11-30. |
1966a. |
Problemes des besoins spécifiquement humains. Recherches Internationales: Psychologie. [Paris] 9. (51). 42-60. |
b. |
Istoriko-materialistichesky podkhod k probleme spetsificheski-chelovecheskikh potrebnostey. Voprosy Psikhologii. 3. 61-73. |
1967a. |
"Substantial" and "functional" need in man. Psychological Issues, X. Budapest.: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]. 131-137. |
1968a. |
An outline of the SHBN's philogenesys. Psychological Issues, XI.. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 63-82. |
b. |
Las necesidades específicamente humanas In: A. Luria, A. Massucco Costa, R. Zazzo and B. Teplov: Problemática científica de la psicología actual. Editorial Orbelus. Buenos Aires. 63-85). |
1969 |
Personality dynamics and social existence [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; pp. 160-221. |
1971a. |
Hypothesis on the Motivation of Scientific Creativity. XIII International Congress of the History of Science. USSR, Moscow, August 18-24, 1971. "Nauka" Publishing House. M., 224-233. (Russian version: Gipoteza o motivacii naucsnogo tvorcsesztva. 13-üj Mezsdunarodnüj kongreszsz po isztorii nauki. Moszkva, 18-24-go avguszta 1971-go goda. Izdatelsztvo "Nauka". Moszkva. Hungarian version: Valóság, 14:7. 27-35) |
b. |
Interpretation of needs in foreign language psychology and the question of motives of a scientific activity [in Russian]. In: Iaroshevsky, M. (ed.): Problemy nauchnogo tvorchestva v sovremennoy psykhologii. M.: Nauka, 224-233. |
1980 |
The need for freedom and the aesthetics [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; pp. 7-20. and 36-145. |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp. 53-59. |
1998a. |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [In Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press; pp. 61-68. |
1965 |
A Platonic dialogue about man, his impulse and accomodation. Valóság. 8:8. 12-23. |
1968 |
The communicative regulation of social relation and the memory contents' emerging avereness. Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle. XXV:4 493-527. (French version In: Prangishvili et al. (eds): The Unconscious. Vol. 3. Metsniereba. Tbilisi. 476-484). |
1969 |
Personality dynamics and social existence [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; chapters "Naturalistic and spiritualistic models" (pp. 54-81) and "Social relation: Self-evidence or probleme?" 142-159. |
1970 |
On the self-reliance of a personality psychology. Psychological Issues, X. Budapest.: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]. 103-108. |
1971 |
On two formal conditions of developing systems [in Hungarian]. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle, 15. (1971). 213-215. |
1973 |
Strength and Weakness of Psychological Science. International Social Science Journal. 25. 447-460. |
1979 |
The schizophrenia of psychology: The production principle and the possibility of a consistent psychology. In: Vereckei L. et al. (ed.): Filozófia, ember, szaktudományok [Philosophy, Man, Sciences - in Hungarian]. Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press], Budapest. 47-71. |
1981 |
A stalemate of the Hungarian psychology [in Hungarian]. Kritika. 3. 19-20. |
1994 |
Is the psychology a natural science? Magyar Tudomány. XXXIX.:1. 1994. 62-73. (Comments: Cs. Pléh, M. Fehér, Zs. Vajda and B. Buda. Ibidem. 74-81) |
1999a. |
A dialogue on man, his gene pool and his extravagance. In: A. Kardos, S. Radnoti and M. Vajda (eds): Diotima: For the 70th anniversary of Agnes Heller. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. 157-173. (r) |
b. |
On the multiplied handicap of the interdisciplinary research. Magyar Tudomány. XLIV. (1999) 3. 339-346. |
Marx' economico-philosophical anthropology and a
psychological meta-theory
1962 |
[On the alienation and its historical elimination. Part I.]. Valóság. 1. 11-25. |
1963 |
[On the alienation and its historical elimination. Part II.]. Valóság. 1. 15-25. |
1964 |
[On the alienation and its historical elimination. Part III.]. Valóság. 3. 1-10. |
1965 |
A Platonic dialogue about man, his impulse and accomodation. Valóság. 8:8. 12-23. |
1967 |
Anthropologic assumptions of a Marxian psychology. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 5. 791-826. |
1969 |
Personality dynamics and social existence [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; pp. 35-53. and 81-111. |
1978 |
Marx' Social Theory and the Concept of Man in Social Psychology. (Co-author: F. Eros) Studia Psychologica. 20/1. 5-10. |
1979a. |
Towards a Social Psychology of Personality: Development and Current Perspectives of a School of Social Psychology in Hungary (Co-authors: F. Eros, K. Jaro, M. Kocski and S. Veres). Social Science Information. 18:1. 137-166. |
b. |
The schizophrenia of psychology: The production principle and the possibility of a consistent psychology. In: Vereckei L. et al. (ed.): Philosophy, Man, Sciences [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Academic Press. pp. 47-71. |
1980 |
The need for freedom and the aesthetics [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Academic Press. pp. 7-35. |
1983 |
Marxian Personality Psychology. In: Harré-Lamb (eds.): The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology. Basil Blackwell Publisher. 364-366. |
1987 |
The social philosophy of the socio-biology [in Hungarian]. Janus III.1. (Spring). 30-35. |
1990 |
Victimological investigations about Marx. Világosság. 31:11. 808-813. |
1993 |
A psychosocial essay on identity [in Hungaian]. Budapest: T-Twins; pp.9-28. |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; pp. 162-171., 232-251. and 455-479. |
1997 |
Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski]. Voprosy Filosofii. 1997/4. 86-96. |
1998a. |
Experiences of a psychologist about the theoretical psychology. In: P. Bodor, Cs. Pleh and G. Lanyi (eds): Önarckép háttérrel [Self-portrait with background]. Bp.: Pólya Editor, 1998. 62-72. |
b. |
Vassily Davydov and peripeties of our theory [in Russian]. Bulletin of the International Association "Developmental Education" . 5. 20-26. |
1999a. |
A dialogue on man, his gene pool and his extravagance. In: A. Kardos, S. Radnoti and M. Vajda (eds): Diotima: For the 70th anniversary of Agnes Heller. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. 157-173. |
Vygotsky and the Vygotskians: A cure of the split psychology (Tool and Sign)
1967 |
Anthropologic assumptions of a Marxian psychology [In Hungarian]. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 5. 791-826 |
1968 |
The structure of activity and that of mind [In Hungarian]. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 3. 453-485. |
1969 |
Personality dynamics and social existence [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; pp. 113-159. |
1979a. |
Towards a Social Psychology of Personality: Development and Current Perspectives of a School of Social Psychology in Hungary (Társszerzők: Eros Ferenc, Járó Katalin, Kocski Margit és Veres Sándor). Social Science Information. 18:1. 137-166. |
1979 |
In Memoriam Leontiev [In Hungarian]. Magyar Nemzet. 31st January, 1979. |
1988a. |
Activity theory and social relations theory (co-author: M. Kocski). In: Hildebrand-Nielsohn, M. and Rückriem, G. (eds): Proceeding of the 1st International Congress on Activity Theory. Vol. 1. Berlin: Druck und Verlag System Druck, 1988. 119-129. |
b. |
Two Principles in Vygotsky's Heritage: Activity and Community. In: Eros, F. and Kiss, Gy. [eds]: Seventh European CHEIRON Conference Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 1988. Budapest.: Hungarian Psychological Association and Institute of Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1988. 191-201. |
1989a |
The principle of social relations and the principle of activity (co-author: M. Kocski). Soviet Psychology. 4. 50-69. |
b. |
Moscow diary, 1964 [In Hungarian]. Valóság 32:1. (1989) 70-86. (r) |
1990 |
On the mental status of activity and social relation: To the question of continuity between the theories of Vygotsky and Leontiev [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski). Psykhologichesky Zhurnal, 11:5. (1990) 17-26. |
1991a. |
Positivist and hermeneutic principles in Psychology: Activity and social categorisation (co-author: M. Kocski). Studies in Soviet Thought. 1. 97-110. |
b. |
Positivistische und hermeneutische Prinzipien in der Psychologie: Tätigkeit und gesellschaftliche Kategorisierung: Über die Frage von Kontinuität und Diskontinuität zwischen Vygotskij und Leont'ev (társszerző: Kocski Margit). Europäische Zeitschrift für Semiotische Studien. Vol. 3 [1-2]. 1-15. |
1992 |
To the question of the genesis of thinking in Leontiev's theory [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski]. In: Koltsova V. A. and Oleinik I. N. (eds): Historical way of Psychology: Past, present, future. Moscow. 1992. 113-118. |
1993 |
On the mechanism of psychosocial phenomena. Pszichológia. 13:2. 205-224. |
1994a. |
Is the psychology a natural science? [In Hungarian] Magyar Tudomány. XXXIX.:1. 1994. 62-73. (Comments: Cs. Pléh, M. Fehér, Zs. Vajda and B. Buda. Ibidem. 74-81) |
b. |
The brain and the mechanism of psychosocial phenomena. Journal of Russian and East-European Psychology. 31:6. 71-91. |
1995a. |
Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom (co-author: M. Kocski). Journal of Russian and East-European Psychology. 33:1. 82-94. |
b. |
Ancora una crisi nella psicologia: una possibile spiegazione per il "boom" di Vygotskij. Studi di Psicologia dell'Educazione. 1-2-3. 141-150. |
c. |
Vygotsky and Leontiev [In Hungarian]. In: About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; vol. II: pp. 207-231. |
1996 |
Vygotskian implications: On the meaning and its brain. A keynote paper. In: Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia "Kul'turno-istorichesky podkhod: Razvitiie gumanitarnykh nauk I obrazovaniia". Proceedings. Rossiiskaia Akademiia obrazovaniia i Rossiisky Gosudarstvenny gumanitarny universitet. Moskva, 21-24 oktiabria 1996. No. 3. |
1997 |
Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski]. Voprosy Filosofii. 1997/4. 86-96. |
1998a. |
Experiences of a psychologist about the theoretical psychology [In Hungarian]. In: P. Bodor, Cs. Pleh and G. Lanyi (eds): Önarckép háttérrel [Self-portrait with background]. Bp.: Pólya Editor, 1998. 62-72. |
b. |
Vassily Davydov and peripeties of our theory [in Russian]. Bulletin of the International Association "Developmental Education" . 5. 20-26. |
1965 |
Creation and programming. I-II. [in Hungarian] Világosság. 6:5. 290-294; and 6. 329-334. |
1969 |
Personality dynamics and social existence [In Hungarian]. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó [Academic Press]; pp. 160-221. |
1979a. |
Towards a Social Psychology of Personality: Development and Current Perspectives of a School of Social Psychology in Hungary (Társszerzők: Eros Ferenc, Járó Katalin, Kocski Margit és Veres Sándor). Social Science Information. 18:1. 137-166. |
b. |
The schizophrenia of psychology: The production principle and the possibility of a consistent psychology. In: Vereckei L. et al. (ed.): Philosophy, Man, Sciences [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Academic Press. pp. 47-71. |
1989 |
Moscow diary, 1964 [In Hungarian]. Valóság 32:1. (1989) 70-86. |
1993 |
On the mechanism of psychosocial phenomena. Pszichológia. 13:2. 205-224. |
1994a |
Is the psychology a natural science? Magyar Tudomány. XXXIX.:1. 1994. 62-73. (Comments: Cs. Pléh, M. Fehér, Zs. Vajda and B. Buda. Ibidem. 74-81) |
b. |
The brain and the mechanism of psychosocial phenomena. Journal of Russian and East-European Psychology. 31:6. 71-91. |
1995a. |
Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom (co-author: M. Kocski). Journal of Russian and East-European Psychology. 33:1. 82-94. |
1996 |
Vygotskian implications: On the meaning and its brain. A keynote paper. In: Mezhdunarodnaia konferentsiia "Kul'turno-istorichesky podkhod: Razvitiie gumanitarnykh nauk I obrazovaniia". Proceedings. Rossiiskaia Akademiia obrazovaniia i Rossiisky Gosudarstvenny gumanitarny universitet. Moskva, 21-24 oktiabria 1996. No. 3. |
1997 |
Another crisis in the psychology: A possible motive for the Vygotsky-boom [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski]. Voprosy Filosofii. 1997/4. 86-96. → |
1998a. |
Experiences of a psychologist about the theoretical psychology. In: P. Bodor, Cs. Pleh and G. Lanyi (eds): Önarckép háttérrel [Self-portrait with background]. Bp.: Pólya Editor, 1998. 62-72. |
1999 |
On the multiplied handicap of the interdisciplinary research. Magyar Tudomány. XLIV. (1999) 3. 339-346. |
2002 |
Az A96 orosz fordítása a V. A. Lektorszkij 70. születésnapjának tiszteletére megjelent kötetben. |
Social identity, social
1963 |
About the economic ground of the contemporary cynisme. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 6. 1044-1075. |
1964 |
Contemporary passionate love or cinisme? Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 4. 777-791. |
1978a. |
Les Débuts de la catégorisation sociale et les manifestations verbales. Une étude longitudinale (Co-author: M. Kocski; translation et adaptation: Paul Wald). Langage et Société. 4. (1978). 3-30. |
b. |
Social categorization and personality development (co-author: M. Kocski). Kultúra és Közösség. 3. 43-52. |
c. |
Interview with stage directors Y. P. Ljubimov and O. N. Yefremov. Valóság. 21/4. (1978). 79-88. |
1980 |
Conversation with stage directors Y. P. Ljubimov and O. N. Yefremov on the transportability of the theater. Színház. 1980/11. 2-5. |
1981 |
Les paradoxes de la catégorisation sociale. Recherches de Psychologie Sociale. 3. 131-141. |
1983 |
Marxian Personality Psychology. In: Harré-Lamb (eds.): The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology. Basil Blackwell Publisher. 364-366. |
1984a |
Vers une théorie psychoéconomique de l'identité sociale. Recherches Sociologiques. 313-335. |
b. |
Notes on the Hungarian opposition [in Hungarian]. Magyar Füzetek. 13. Paris, 1984. 146-154. → |
1985 |
Interview with Yevgeny Yevtushenko [in Hungarian]. Kritika. 11. 3-5. |
1986a. |
Social Identity: Cognitive Dissonance or Paradoxe? New Ideas in Psychology. 4:3. 311-322. → |
b. |
[The unconscious elaboration of the social and the historical identity] Mozgó Világ. 12:12. (1986) 74-87. → |
1988a. |
Activity theory and social relations theory (co-author: M. Kocski). In: Hildebrand-Nielsohn, M. and Rückriem, G. (eds): Proceeding of the 1st International Congress on Activity Theory. Vol. 1. Berlin: Druck und Verlag System Druck, 1988. 119-129. |
b. |
Two Principles in Vygotsky's Heritage: Activity and Community. In: Eros, F. and Kiss, Gy. [eds]: Seventh European CHEIRON Conference Budapest, Hungary, 4-8 September 1988. Budapest.: Hungarian Psychological Association and Institute of Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1988. 191-201. |
c. |
The paradoxes of social identity. Pszichológia. 8:2 (1988). 215-240. |
1989a. |
The principle of social relations and the principle of activity (társszerző: Kocski Margit). Soviet Psychology. 4. 50-69. |
1990a. |
Foundation of an economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; pp. 87-116. → |
b. |
On the mental status of activity and social relation: To the question of continuity between the theories of Vygotsky and Leontiev [in Russian; co-author: M. Kocski). Psykhologichesky Zhurnal, 11:5. (1990) 17-26. ® |
1991a. |
Positivist and hermeneutic principles in Psychology: Activity and social categorisation (co-author: M. Kocski). Studies in Soviet Thought. 1. 97-110. ® |
b. |
Positivistische und hermeneutische Prinzipien in der Psychologie: Tätigkeit und gesellschaftliche Kategorisierung: Über die Frage von Kontinuität und Diskontinuität zwischen Vygotskij und Leont'ev (co-author: Kocski Margit). Europäische Zeitschrift für Semiotische Studien. Vol. 3 [1-2]. 1-15. |
1993a. |
A psychosocial essay on identity [in Hungaian]. Budapest: T-Twins; pp.29-82. ® |
b. |
[An interview with László Garai about his life in science and in politics. Köztársaság. 14th May, 1993. 5. and 52-56 |
1995 |
How to identify ourselves and each other in the world of politics? Politikatudományi Szemle. 1995/1. 106-113. ® |
1996 |
About the link between social categorization and identity formation (co-author: M. Kocski). In.: F. Eros (ed.): Identity and difference: Essays on the identity and the prejudice. Budapest: Scientia Humana. 1996. 72-95. ® |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp.61-104. |
1998a. |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press, pp. 69-120. ® |
b. |
Generations in the Hungarian 20th century. Kritika. 1998/3. 16-20. ® |
1999a. |
A dialogue on man, his gene pool and his extravagance. In: A. Kardos, S. Radnoti and M. Vajda (eds): Diotima: For the 70th anniversary of Agnes Heller. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. 157-173. ® |
b. |
On the multiplied handicap of the interdisciplinary research. Magyar Tudomány. XLIV. (1999) 3. 339-346. |
Psychosocial case study on the
Hungarian poet Attila Jozsef
1986 |
"You'll be laid out, in any case": The tragic paradoxes of Attila József [in Hungarian]. Világosság. 27:12. Appendix. |
1988 |
The case of Attila József: A reply to Gustav Jahoda. New Ideas in Psychology. 6:2. 213-217. |
1991 |
[Returnings and revokings in Attila József's poetry – in Hungarian]. Élet és Irodalom. 29th November, 1991. 4. |
1992 |
[On the Rorschach test with Attila József]. In: Horváth Iván and Tverdota György [eds]: …miért fáj ma is: Az ismeretlen József Attila [in Hungarian]. Bp.: Balassi Kiadó/KJK, 1992. 117-145.) |
1993 |
A psychosocial essay on identity [in Hungaian]. Budapest: T-Twins; pp.113-220. |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; vol. II., pp. 289-353. |
Social identity: ethical
mediator and transaction cost modifier
1963 |
About the economic ground of the contemporary cynisme. Magyar Filozófiai Szemle. 6. 1044-1075. |
1977 |
Conflict and the Economic Paradigm. Dialectics and Humanism. 2. 47-58. |
1984 |
Vers une théorie psychoéconomique de l'identité sociale. Recherches Sociologiques. 313-335. |
1985 |
Price or social identity? Determining economic activity in a post-capitalist system. In: H. Brandstätter and E. Kirchler (eds.): Economic Psychology. Rudolf Trauner Verlag. Linz, 21-35. |
1986 |
Social Identity: Cognitive Dissonance or Paradoxe? New Ideas in Psychology. 4:3. 311-322. |
1987 |
Determining economic activity in a post-capitalist system. Journal of Economic Psychology. 8. 77-90. |
1988a. |
The paradoxes of social identity. Pszichológia. 8:2. 215-240. |
1988b. |
On the trail of the nature of the social crisis. Tervgazdasági Fórum. 4:3. (1988) 61-69. |
1989 |
[Why the bureaucratic control over economy is not that rational?]. Valóság. 32:10. 10-17. |
1990 |
Foundation of an economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; pp. 87-116. |
1991a. |
About the political system's transition in Hungary: Considerations of a social psychologist [in Russian]. Vengersky Meridian. 91/1. pp. 69-79. |
b. |
The Bureaucratic State Governed by an Illegal Movement: Soviet-Type societies and Bolshevik-Type Parties. Political Psychology. 10:1. 165-179. |
c. |
The massification of the élite. Magyar Nemzet. 9th May. 6. |
d. |
About the unequality of equalities. Élet és Irodalom. 12th July. 3. 39. |
e. |
[Conditions of the democracy in Hungary]. Népszabadság. 8th November. 8. |
f. |
[On the unemployment ]. Magyar Hírlap. 2nd December. |
1992a. |
Unemployment or direct national status of manpower? Gazdaság. Special issue. (1992) [Accomodation pressure in a crisis situation: Papers of 29th Hungarian Economist Congress] 177-182. |
b. |
Psychological comments on László Rajk' s absurd drama. Népszabadság. 18th March. 10. |
1993a. |
A psychosocial essay on identity [in Hungaian]. Budapest: T-Twins; pp.29-82. |
b. |
Ethics and economy. Magyar Tudomány. XXXVIII.:8. (1993) 967-971. |
c. |
The transfiguration of the Nomenklatura [in Hungarian]. Népszabadság. 12th March, 1993. 18. |
d. |
The newly rich and the newly poor [in Hungarian]. 168 óra. 14th September, 1993. 19. |
1994 |
The second modernization: Human conditions of economic growth. Közgazdasági Szemle. XLII/6. 1995. 606-618. |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp.61-104. |
1998a. |
The price of excellence. Közgazdasági Szemle. 1998/3. 280-297. |
b. |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press, pp. 69-120. |
1999 |
A dialogue on man, his gene pool and his extravagance. In: A. Kardos, S. Radnoti and M. Vajda (eds): Diotima: For the 70th anniversary of Agnes Heller. Budapest: Osiris, 1999. 157-173. ® |
Human resources, human capital
1973 |
Strength and Weakness of Psychological Science. International Social Science Journal. 25. 447-460. |
1985 |
Price or social identity? Determining economic activity in a post-capitalist system. In: H. Brandstätter and E. Kirchler (eds.): Economic Psychology. Rudolf Trauner Verlag. Linz, 21-35. |
1987 |
Determining economic activity in a post-capitalist system. Journal of Economic Psychology. 8. 77-90. ® |
1989 |
[Why the bureaucratic control over economy is not that rational?]. Valóság. 32:10. (1989). 10-17. ® |
1990a. |
Foundation of an economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; pp. 120-125. ® |
b. |
The psychology of unemployment [in Hungarian]. Népszabadság. 10th February. |
1991a. |
[Let's turn brain-drain into a well-established intellectual exportation. Népszabadság. Április 6th. 17-18. |
b. |
[On the unemployment ]. Magyar Hírlap. 2nd December. |
1992a. |
Unemployment or direct national status of manpower? Gazdaság. Special issue. (1992) [Accomodation pressure in a crisis situation: Papers of 29th Hungarian Economist Congress] 177-182. ® |
b. |
[On the human /allegedly unproductive/ investment. Magyar Hírlap. 16th May. 7. |
1993 |
A leaflet for a mercantile management of man. Mozgó világ. 12. 72-80. (Comments: Laszlo Antal. Ibidem. 81-86). ® |
1994 |
The second modernization: Human conditions of economic growth. Közgazdasági Szemle. XLII/6. 1995. 606-618. ® |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; vol. I., pp. 28-48, 67-93. 105-124. and 150-161 ® |
1996a. |
The second modernization and Hungary. Kritika. 96/1. 17–19. |
b. |
The human capital: The outlook of an economic psychology. Pénzügyi Szemle. 1996/11. 849–860. ® |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp.171-239. |
1998 |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press, pp. 173-191. and 218-223. ® |
1990 |
Foundation of an economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; pp. 42-55. |
1991 |
About the political system's shift in Hungary: Considerations of a social psychologist [in Russian]. Vengersky Meridian. 91/1. pp. 69-79. ® |
1992 |
Quo vadis, tovarish? Dissenting on the way to the modernization. Beszélô. 18th January. 36-37. |
1993a. |
Ethics and economy. Magyar Tudomány. XXXVIII.:8. (1993) 967-971. |
b. |
A leaflet for a mercantile management of man. Mozgó világ. 12. 72-80. |
1994 |
The second modernization: Human conditions of economic growth. Közgazdasági Szemle. XLII/6. 1995. 606-618. |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; vol. I., pp. 17-101. ® |
1996a |
The second modernization and Hungary. Kritika. 96/1. 17–19. ® |
b. |
The human capital: The outlook of an economic psychology. Pénzügyi Szemle. 1996/11. 849–860. (A conference paper version: Human capital: How the economic psychology got needed? In: New paths in teaching economy, business and social sciences: Jubilee Conference of the Budapest Economic University, 1995. Bp, 1996. 402–406. ) ® |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp.157-223. |
1998a |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press, pp. 165-200. ® |
b |
Theses on the second modernization, the human capital and the socialism. Eszmélet. 40. 128-135. ® |
Bolshevik-type constructions for
the second modernization
1984 |
Notes on the Hungarian opposition [in Hungarian]. Magyar Füzetek. 13. Paris, 1984. 146-154. |
1988 |
On the trail of the nature of the social crisis. Tervgazdasági Fórum. 4:3. 61-69. |
1989a. |
Moscow diary, 1964. Valóság 32:1. 70-86. |
b. |
Bolsheviks against intellectuals [in Hungarian]. 168 óra. 3rd October. |
1990a. |
Foundation of an economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; pp. 49-53. and 117-150. |
b. |
[Intervention to the conference on the capacity of social sciences to forcast radical changes in Soviet type societies of Eastern and Central Europe [in Hungarian]. Népszabadság. December 22nd. p. 27. |
1991a. |
About the political system's shift in Hungary: Considerations of a social psychologist [in Russian]. Vengersky Meridian. 91/1. pp. 69-79. |
b. |
The Bureaucratic State Governed by an Illegal Movement: Soviet-Type societies and Bolshevik-Type Parties. Political Psychology. 10:1. 165-179. (A larger Hungarian version: Mozgó Világ. 15:3. 45-55.). |
c. |
[Roy Medvediev. Magyar Nemzet. March 26th. 7. |
1992 |
Psychological comments on László Rajk's absurd drama. Népszabadság. 18th March. 10. |
1993a. |
A psychosocial essay on identity [in Hungaian]. Budapest: T-Twins; pp.83-111. |
b. |
The Bolshevik-type psychoeconomic system: An essay on a paradoxical psychologic structure in economy [in Russian]. PolIs. 1. 72-76. – The text (A larger Hungarian version: Valóság. 34:10. [1991] 50-61.). |
c. |
The transfiguration of the Nomenklatura [in Hungarian]. Népszabadság. 12th March. 18. |
d. |
[An interview with László Garai about his life in science and in politics. Köztársaság. 14th May. pp. 5. and 52-56. |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995; vol. I., pp. 13-177. |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, pp.225-286. |
1998a. |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [in Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press, pp. 201-250. |
Paradoxical psycho-social
1977 |
Conflict and the Economic Paradigm. Dialectics and Humanism. 2. 47-58. |
1981 |
Les paradoxes de la catégorisation sociale. Recherches de Psychologie Sociale. 3. 131-141. |
1984 |
Vers une théorie psychoéconomique de l'identité sociale. Recherches Sociologiques. 313-335. |
1986a. |
Social Identity: Cognitive Dissonance or Paradox? New Ideas in Psychology. 4:3. 311-322. |
b. |
[The unconscious elaboration of the social and the historical identity] Mozgó Világ. 12:12. (1986) 74-87. |
c. |
"You'll be laid out, in any case": The tragic paradoxes of Attila Jozsef. Világosság. 27:12. (1986) Appendix. |
1988a. |
The paradoxes of social identity. Pszichológia. 8:2 (1988). 215-240. |
b. |
The case of Attila Jozsef: A reply to Gustav Jahoda. New Ideas in Psychology. 6:2. 213-217. |
1990 |
Foundation of an economic psychology [In Hungarian: "...kis pénz → kis foci"? Egy gazdaságpszichológia megalapozása]. Budapest: Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society; 158 p. |
1991 |
The Bureaucratic State Governed by an Illegal Movement: Soviet-Type societies and Bolshevik-Type Parties. Political Psychology. 10:1. 165-179. (A larger Hungarian version: Mozgó Világ. 15:3. 45-55.) |
1992 |
[On the Rorschach test with Attila Jozsef]. In: Horváth Iván and Tverdota György [eds]: ...miért fáj ma is: Az ismeretlen Jozsef Attila. Bp.: Balassi Kiadó/KJK, 1992. 117-145.) |
1993a. |
A psychosocial essay on identity [In Hungarian: "...elvegyültem és kiváltam": Társadalomlélektani esszé az identitásról]. Budapest: T-Twins; 231 p. |
b. |
Pszichoekonomicseszkaja szisztyema bolsevisztszkogo tyipa. PolIsz.1. 72-76. (A larger Hungarian version: Valóság. 34:10. [1991] 50-61.) |
1995 |
About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it I-II. [In Hungarian: Quo vadis, tovaris? A modernizáció útjáról és a rajta vándorló emberről, I-II.]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana; 490 p. |
1996 |
About the link between social categorization and identity formation (co-author: M. Kocski). In.: F. Eros (ed.): Identity and difference: Essays on the identity and the prejudice. Budapest: Scientia Humana. 72-95. |
1997 |
General Economic Psychology: A manual [In Hungarian: Általános gazdaságpszichológia: Egyetemi tankönyv]. Szeged: Attila Jozsef University Press, 314 p. |
1998a. |
The human potential as capital: An approach by the economic psychology [In Hungarian: Emberi potenciál mint tőke: Bevezetés a gazdaságpszichológiába]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic University Press; 278 p. |
b. |
Press psychology. (Press Library series; co-author: P. Popper [In Hungarian: Sajtópszichológia]). Budapest.: Edition of the Hungarian Journalist Academy; 158 p. |