Quo vadis, tovaris? A modernizáció útjáról és a rajta vándorló emberről, I–II. [About the path of modernization and the man who migrates on it I–II. – In Hungarian]. Budapest.: Scientia Humana, 1995. 490. A collection of chapters of Personality dynamics (pp. 207-232.), the papers A platonic dialogue, Creation and programing, "Deem that thou goest…", A Rohrschach test of Attila József, Is the psychology a natural science? Price or social identity?, An economic psychology of the bureaucracy, Unemployment, The Bolshevik-type psychoeconomic system, Ethics and economy, Mercantile management of man, The bureaucratic state governed by an illegal movement, Contemporary craving for myth, Does the brain theory exist?, The brain mechanism of psychosocial phenomena and some shorter writings that deal with the contradiction between radical changes introduced during the modernization by humans' intervention in natural processes in order to get them radically changed, on one hand, and an allegedly unchanged character of those humans, on the other. The collected papers present an alternative psychology that does interpret radical changes in humans themselves introduced during the 20th century second modernization that extends from material to human world artificial intervention in natural processes meaning their planned radical changes. Key words: second modernization production of human resources;
information management totalitarian society; Bolshevik-type structure;
bureaucracy; unemployment; equality; social identity; Attila József;
historical vs natural sciences; Vygotsky; Leontiev's Activity Theory;
economic psychology |