"…kis pénz kis foci"? Egy gazdaságpszichológia megalapozása. [Foundation of an economic psychology] Edition of the Hungarian Economic Society, Budapest, 1990; p. 158.

The monograph outlines a theory according to which the economic psychology has emerged because of the classic capitalist socio-economic system's radical transformation (Schumpeter). That 19th century system produced the material factors it depended on and made itself independent of the human phenomena which had not been produced by it. On the other hand, from the turn of the century onwards running the socio-economic system was no longer independent of the faculties and needs effective in the population and, consequently, it faced the necessity of manufacturing also its own personal conditions. The economic psychology emerged as a science of the psychologic phenomena turned into economic factors in these societies. The author considers that the necessity of producing human resources at the cost of consuming material resources has radically transformed the socio-economic system, whether what he labels as post-capitalism was actually of market, planned or mixed character. The monograph makes a distinction between two kinds of psychologic phenomena turned into economic factors: technical dispositions of mastering things' attributes and social dispositions of mastering persons' relations. It states that unlike the material production depending only on technical attributes of both producing and produced factors, the modern human production is determined also by the factors' social relations. These are substantialized by the economic agents' territorial behaviour based on property distribution and establishing their social categorization, the paradoxical logic of this categorisation, the symbolization of this latter's ideal acts by real economic acts. The totality of this means produces the economic agents' social identity considered as the main psychological mediator of economic processes: it determines who from among the agents of an economic activity turn out to be its principals. From the point of view of the necessity of human and not only material production are analyzed various forms of post-capitalist socio-economic systems. The fascist type totalitarian societies are claimed to directly apply the strategies of the 19th century large scale material processing industry in establishing a large scale human processing industry that dealt with both producing and produced people mostly in terms of technical attributes. The contemporary bureaucratized societies administer social relations but exclusively those of producing and not of produced people. A large scale human industry processing social relations and not only technical attributes of both producing and produced people was established by the Bolshevik type totalitarian societies. The main conclusion of the monograph is that after the perishing of all these concret shapes of the post-capitalism the post-capitalist trend of consuming material resources not exclusively for their own enlarged reproduction but to an increasing extent for producing human resources remains the main tendency of the modernization. — Chapters of the monograph are published in English as Determining economic activity, Economic rationality, Foundation and Consumption; an English translation of other chapters is available (® Bureaucratic control and Bolshevik-type system).

Key words: social identity; form vs matter; economic psychology; human resources processing; post-capitalist socio-economic system; psycho-social structuring and functioning of totalitarian societies


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