t Emberi potenciál mint tőke: Bevezetés a gazdaságpszichológiába [The human potential as capital: An approach by the
economic psychology – In Hungarian]. Budapest.: "Aula" Economic
University Press, 1998; 278 p. An enlarged version of the Manual completed by chapters about a second modernization that has imposed upon the socio-economic system the necessity of manufacturing (and not only exploiting) human (and not only material) conditions of its functionning, about these manufactured conditions analyzed in terms of human capital that gets invested either by the interested person, his employer or the state. Property relations of all three of them are compared. The Bolshevik type socio-economic system is investigated and its actual transcending is dealt with in terms of such a comparison. Key words: Behaviourism vs Cognitivism; Psychoanalisys vs
Social Psychology; market behavior vs organizational economic behavior;
social identity; converting identity's exclusivity into commodity's price;
social status vs money; Bolshevik type socio-economic system |