Schuszter Gábor

Gábor Schuszter



Makra Sarolta

Kinetic study of precipitation reactions involving Ca^2+ ion, as an inorganic bone component (BSc thesis)

Márk Olasz

Kinetic study of precipitation reactions. (MSc thesis)

Bence Kovács

Nuclear waste water release of KFKI - A case study. (MSc thesis)

Janka Uhljár

Improvement of educational methodology via a national chemistry competition. (PhD)


Márk Olasz

Determination of reaction stoichiometry by applying Job's method and digital image processing for precipitation reactions. (1st award on the Scientific Research Conference for Students)

Bence Kovács

Nuclear waste water release of KFKI - A case study. (MSc thesis)

Edina Balog

Flow-driven pattern formation of alkaline earth and transition metals in confined geometry. (PhD)

Ádám Czuppon

Ground reference experiments for flow-driven precipitation reactions to be studied under microgravity conditions. (BSc thesis)


Edina Balog

Flow-driven pattern formation of alkaline earth and transition metals in confined geometry. (PhD)

Kinga Bene

Self-assembled tubular precipitation reactors: Another aspect of chemical gardens. (MSc thesis)

Laura Lakatos

55. Irinyi János National Chemistry Competition for high school students, regional selection (optimization of laboratory exercise). (Project work)

Márk Olasz

Applying Job method for the determination of reaction stoichiometry: precipitation reactions. (BSc thesis)

Anna Vas

Elaborating experimental protocol to study precipitation reaction kinetics in magnetic field. (project work)


Edina Balog

Flow-driven pattern formation of alkaline earth and transition metals in confined geometry. (PhD)

Kinga Bene

Self-assembled tubular precipitation reactors: Another aspect of chemical gardens. (MSc thesis)


Milán Ács-Kovács

Permeability decrease caused by a precipitation reaction in porous media. (BSc thesis)

Edina Balog

Flow-driven pattern formation of alkaline earth and transition metals in confined geometry. (PhD)

Kinga Bene

Self-assembled tubular precipitation reactors: Another aspect of chemical gardens. (BSc thesis)


Milán Ács-Kovács

Permeability decrease caused by a precipitation reaction in porous media. (BSc thesis)

Edina Balog

Flow-driven pattern formation of alkaline earth and transition metals in confined geometry. (MSc thesis)

Kinga Bene

Self-assembled tubular precipitation reactors: Another aspect of chemical gardens. (BSc thesis)

Réka Zahorán

Kinetic study of precipitation reactions including calcium ion. (MSc thesis)


Katalin Bere

Flow-driven precipitation in porous media. (BSc thesis)

Balázs Gruber

Manufacturing microfluidic reactors via 3D printing. (project work)


Edina Balog

Flow-driven precipitation in confined geometry. (BSc thesis)

Brigitta Müller

Flow-driven pattern formation in the nickel-oxalate system. (project work)

Réka Zahorán

Investigation of induction period of precipitation. (BSc thesis)


Liliána Petrilla

The effect of magnetic field on slef-organizing chemical reactions. (MSc thesis)


Tünde Gehér-Herczegh

Determining diffusion coefficients in electrolytes. (BSc thesis)

Determining the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen ion in hydrogels. (2nd award on the 32th National Scientific Research Conference for students)


Eszter Damásdi (MSc thesis)

Szabolcs Muráth

Flow-driven metal-hydroxide separation. (project, KEN)