9. K_24 National Research, Development and Innovation Office project (NKFI-K146071: Self-organization using various mass transport phenomena from micro- to macroscales) together with István Lagzi (BME)
8. Bolyai+ Fellowship for Young Researchers and Professors (ÚNKP-23-5-SZTE-693: Reference experiments for flow-driven precipitation in microgravity; 1 year)
7. Bolyai János Fellowship (bo_586_23: Kinetic investigation of metal-organic frameworks, 3 years)
6. MEC_21 Scientific mobility project (MEC_R141293: Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems)
5. K_21 National Research, Development and Innovation Office project (NKFI-K138844: Nonequilibrium hierarchical chemical structure formation) together with Ágota Tóth and Dezső Horváth
4. M-ERA.NET - Consortium: Material Synthesis in Non-Equilibrium Conditions (MaSNEC-4248) Partners: Universite libre de Bruxelles, University of Szeged, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
3. PD_16 National Research, Development and Innovation Office postdoctoral fellowship (NKFI-PD121010: Flow-driven precipitation in confined geometry and porous media).
2. K_16 National Research, Development and Innovation Office project (NKFI-K119795: Spatial-gradien-driven self-organization and self-assembly of chemical systems) together with Dezső Horváth and Ágota Tóth.
1. International Mobility Grant, Outside Europe, Flight tickets to attend Gordon Research Conference in the USA, 1300 Euro, FNRS.