Plenary Speakers

XLVII. Chemistry Lectures - an international conference for young professionals

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to the XLVII. Chemistry Lectures that is taking place from 29th to 31st October 2024 in Szeged, Hungary.
Venue of the conference: Szegedi Akadémiai Bizottság Székháza, 6720 Szeged, Somogyi u. 7 (110 Lecture Hall).

The conference is organized by the Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE) and aims to bring together young professionals, researchers, BSc, MSc and PhD students from all fields of chemistry, be it research or development. Following the tradition, the conference will feature “Nívó’ Prizes for the best master’s theses of graduated students from Hungary sponsored by MKE. The deadline for the conference registration is 19th October 2024, for the abstract submission is 22nd October 2024. The registration fee is 25.000 HUF – or 20.000 HUF for the members of the Hungarian Chemical Society – and includes access to scientific sessions, conference material and the book of abstracts, all coffee breaks, and the conference dinner. You can apply for MKE membership at their website by filling out the required documents and paying the annual fee.

You can find the application form here:

Application for the XLVII. Chemistry Lectures

The registration fee should be paid based on the pro forma invoice sent after the registration until 25th October 2024.

There will be 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for questions and presenter changeover. The language of the presentation can be Hungarian or English (the language of the abstract should be the same as that of the presentation).

Template for abstract

Information about the accommodation

Sponsors of the event
       Hungarian Chemical Society
       MTA Szegedi Akadémiai Bizottság
       University of Szeged
       Hungarian Chapter of the American Chemical Society

We reserve the right to make changes. If there will be restrictions affecting the organization of the conference on the above date, the conference will be held online. The paid registration fees are not refundable.

Contact information:

MKE Group of Csongrád County
Hilda Kovács, Árpád Turcsányi and László Seres organizers