Books/Articles by/on Ezra Pound

[* = in possession of NGy, other possibilities of access indicated]

Poems, prose * Letters * Translations * In other languages * Edited * Sources, background * Paideuma * Articles on Pound * Books on Pound

Books on Pound (alphabetical)

  1. ————: Ezra Pound e le arti. La bellezza e difficile. Skira: Milano, 1997.*
  2. Ackroyd, Peter: Ezra Pound and His World. With 111 Illustrations. London: Thames and Hudson, 1980.*
  3. Alexander, Michael: The Poetic Achievment of Ezra Pound. Faber and Faber: London, 1979.*
  4. (Alexander—McConigal: Introduction; Morgan: "Take the Whole Man, and Ravel Out the Story"; Davie: A Son of Ezra; Tomlinson: On First Reading Pound; Fisher: On Ezra Pound; Cookson: E.P. and Agenda: Autobiographical Fragments; Russell: Introduction to a Posthumous Collection; Turnbull: The Rest Is Dross; Dunn: In Périgord; Alexander: "Blue, blue is the grass about the river"; Davidson: Translation and the third term of reference; McConigal: An XYZ of Reading: Basil Bunting and the British tradition; Herbert: Pound and McDiarmid; Davis: Pound, Graves, and the search for a live tradition; Crawford: Pound and a young poet; Notes on contributors)
  5. Alexander, Michael and James McConigal (eds): Sons of Ezra. British Poets and Ezra Pound. Rodopi: Amsterdam - Atlanta, GA, 1995.*
  6. Amdur, Alice Steiner: The Poetry of Ezra Pound. New York: Russell & Russell, 1966 [1936]. [UBFreiburg]* (The Background: America and the Poet; Provence: The Literary Impact; London: Publications and People; The School of Precision; Imagism and the Campaign; Propertius and Mauberley; The Cantos.)
  7. Aldington, Richard: Ezra Pound & T.S. Eliot. A Lecture. Hurst: The Peacock Press, 1954. [BLLD]*
  8. Anceschi, Luciano (ed.): Il Verri 11 (Settembre 1986) Ezra.* (Interveno; E.Pound: Tre canti; E. Pound: Omaggio a Sesto Properzo (I); M. Bacigalupo: Urcantos, Propertius, Cantos: Pound dal ritardo al sorpasso; E. Pound: Canto CVI; M.L. Ardizzone: Nota al Canto CVI; B. Bunting: Briggfaltts: un'autobiografia; B. Bunting: Sul risvolto dei Cantos di Pound; D. Davie: I giardini del Savoy; G. Davenport: Pirrone do Elide; D. Levertov: Un albero dice di Orfeo; G. Mancuso: Sette poesie cinesi.)
  9. Anceschi, Luciano (ed.): Il Verri 12 (Dicembre 1986) Pound.* (E. Pound: Da Guida alla Kultura; M. Bacigalupo: Lo sperimentalista pentito; D. Davie: I Cantos: per una letture pedestre; M. Perloff: Pound/Stevens: di chi l'era?; M. Bacigalupo: (r)Per parte nostra sappiamo cancellareŻ: al lavoro su due poemetti di Pound; M. Alexander: Il sense of humour di Pound.)
  10. Apter, Ronnie: Digging for the Treasure. Translation After Pound. New York, Berne, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1984. [Yale]*
  11. Bacigalupo, Massimo: The Forméd Trace. The Later Poetry of Ezra Pound. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980. [UBFrankfurt/Main*; MTA˙627.338] (The Pisan Poem and Its genesis; Lineaments of Space: From Hugh Selwyn Mauberley to the Early Cantos; "Absolute" Timeliness: The Case of the Middle Cantos; The Works and Days of Pisa; Loyalty and Disloyalty to the Text: Poetics of Translation; Confucius: The Integral Study; A World Fit to Live In: The Classic Anthology; Sophocles and the Tragic Dance; Rock-Drill; An American Tradition; Stone Annals and Atomic Facts; In the Sybil's Cave; Canto 91 and the Quest for the Queen; Towards Shipwreck: Cantos 92-95; Thrones; The Edict: Roma and Byzantium; The Edict: China and Beyond the Center; Sounds in the Forest; A Late Mythologem: Canto 106; The Edict: Angliae Amor; Fragments of an Earthly Paradise; A Quiet House; The Image and the Circle.)
  12. Bacigalupo, Massimo: Ezra Pound. Un Poeta a Rapallo. Genova: Edizioni San Marco dei Giustiniani, 1985.* (Introduzione; Il Tigullio nella poesia di Pound; "Il Mare"L Supplemento letterario; "Il Mare": Cranche musicali di Pound; Testimonianze; D.Davie: For the opening of the Ezra Pound Exhibition in Rapallo, June 1, 1985; Cronologia.)
  13. Bard, Dr. Joseph: El Dinamismo de una nueva Poesia. Puerto de La Cruz: Instituto de Estudios Hispanicos, 1957. [Santa Cruz de Tenerife]*
  14. Baricelli, Gian Piero (ed.): Italian Quarterly 16/64 (Spring 1973). (G.M. Gugelberger: Introduction; H. Kenner: The Magic of Place: Ezra Pound; A.C.Y. Jung Palandri: Italian Images of Ezra Pound; E. Montale: Uncle Ez; G.M. Gugelberger: "By No Means an Orderly Dantescan Rising"; J.J. Wilhelm: Pound's Middle Cantos as an Analogue to Dante's Purgatorio: Purgatories Fictive and Real; G.P. Baricelli: A Poet of a Poet: Comments on Pound's Translation of Leopardi's "Sopra il ritratto di una bella donna"; M. Bacigalupo: Ezra Pound's Canto 106: A Late Mythologem; R.M. degli Uberti: Ezra Pound adn Ubaldo degli Uberti: History of a Friendship; A. Tagliaferri: Ezra Pound's Jefferson and/or Mussolini; C. Izzo: Three Unpublished Letters by Ezra Pound.)
  15. Baumann, Walter: The Rose in the Steel Dust. An Examination of the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Bern: 1967. [JATE]
  16. Baumann, Walter: Roses from the Steel Dust. Collected Essays on Ezra Pound. The National Poetry Foundation: Orono, ME, 2000.
  17. Beach, Christopher: ABC of Influence. Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992. [KoninklijkeB*; MTA 692.387] (The Pound Tradition; Ezra Pound and Harold Bloom: Influences, Canons, Traditions, and the Making of Modern Poetry; Expanding the Poundian Field: Whitman, Williams, and Zukofsky; History in a Cyclotron: Charles Olson as Poet-Historian and the Model of Ezra Pound; Olson as Mencius and His Master, Pound: A Study in Poetic Tradition; Objectivist Romantic: Ezra Pound and the Poetic Constellations of Robert Duncan; In Harmony with the Master: Formal and Political Structures in Duncan's Poetry; Pound's Words in Their Pockets: Denise Levertov and Gary Snyder; Migrating Voices in the Poetry of Edward Dorn; Conclusion. Reappropriation and Resistance: Charles Bernstein, Language Poetry, and Poetic Tradition.)
  18. Bell, Ian F.A.: Ezra Pound: Tactics for Reading. London, Totowa,NJ: Vision, Barnes & Noble, 1982. [BLLD; JFKI]* (Preface; P. Brooker: The Lesson of Ezra Pound: An Essay in Poetry, Literary Ideology and Politics; D. Murray: Pound-signs: Money and Representation in Ezra Pound; M.A. Kayman: A Model for Pound's Use of Science'; H. Schneideau: Pound's Poetics of Loss; E. Mottram: Pound, Merleau-Ponty and the Phenomenology of Poetry; I.F.A. Bell: Speaking in Figures': The Mechanical Thomas Jefferson of Canto 31; J.N. Riddel: Neo-Nietzschean Clatter' Speculation and/or Pound's Poetic Image; R. Godden: Icons, Etymologies, Origins and Monkey Puzzles in the Languages of Upward and Fenollosa.)
  19. Bernstein, Michael André: The Tale of the Tribe. Ezra Pound and the Modern Verse Epic. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980. [x]* (Introduction: The Tale of the Tribe; A Poem Including History; THE CANTOS; An Eternal State of Mind; Thus Was It in Time; The Language of the Tribe; Identification and Its Vicissitudes; The Artist Who Does the Next Job; PATERSON; A Local War?; A Delirium of Solutions; Speed against the Inundation; THE MAXIMUS POEMS; The Old Measure of Care; The new Localism; Polis Is This; Conclusion: Remember That I Have Remembered; Appendix: On Founding: A Historical Survey of Gloucester's Settlement.)
  20. Berryman, Jo Brantley: Circe's Craft. Ezra Pound's Hugh Selwyn Mauberley. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983. [Yale]* (Circe's Craft: The Artist's Palette: "E.P. Ode"; A Botched Civilization; Sifting To Agathon from the Chaff; "Yeux Glauques": The Thin, Clear Gaze; "Medallion": Pound's Poem; The Image in "Medallion"; Typescript of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley.)
  21. Bischoff, Volker: Ezra Pound Criticism. 1905-1985. A chronological listing of publications in English. Marburg: Schriften des Universitatsbibliothek Marburg, 1991. [JATE S4183]*
  22. Bloom, Harold (ed.): Modern Critical Views: Ezra Pound. Edited with an introducion by Harold Bloom. New York, New Haven, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers, 1987. [Yale]* (H. Bloom: Introduction; H. Kenner: Mauberley; E. Hesse: The End of The Cantos; D.D. Pearlman: The Barb of Time; L.L. Martz: Pound's Early Poems; M. N“nny: Context, Contiguity and Contact in Ezra Pound's Personae; D.D. Pearlman: Ezra Pound: America's Wandering Jew; F.C. Robinson: "The Might of the North": Pound's Anglo-Saxon Studies and "The Seafarer"; D. Davie: Res and Verba in Rock-Drill and After; C. Froula: The Pound Error: The Limits of Authority in the Modern Epic; M.A. Bernstein: Image, Word, and Sign: The Visual Arts as Evidence in Ezra Pound's Cantos; K.V. Lindberg: Rhizomatic America; G. Kearns: Reading Pound Writing Chinese: A Page from Rock-Drill.)
  23. Bornstein, George: The Postromantic Consciousness of Ezra Pound. University of Victoria, 1977. [UBRegensburg]*
  24. Bornstein, George (ed.): Ezra Pound among the Poets. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1985. [UBG"ttingen*; MTA 669.508] (Pound among the poets: G. Bornstein: Introduction; H. Kenner: Pound and Homer; L. Feder: Pound and Ovid; R. Bush: Pound and Li Po: What becomes a Man; S.Y. McDougal: Dreaming a Renaissance: Pound's Dantean Inheritance; H. Witemeyer: Clothing the American Adam: Pound's Tailoring of Walt Whitman; G. Bornstein: Pound's Parleying with Robert Browning; A.W. Litz: Pound and Yeats: The Road to Stone Cottage; T. Parkinson: Pound and Williams; R. Langbaum: Pound and Eliot; M. Perloff: The Contemporary of Our Grandchildren: Pound's Influence.)
  25. Bradbrook, M.C.: T.S. Eliot: The Making of The Waste Land. Harlow: Longman Group Ltd, 1972.*
  26. Brooke-Rose, Christine: A ZBC of Ezra Pound. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1971.* (Why Books? This simple first question was never asked'; Knowledge is NOT culture. The domain of culture begins when one has "forgotten what book"'; But Sordello, and my Sordello?'; The mastery of any art is the work of a lifetime'; I believe in technique as the test of a man's sincerity'; An artist is always beginning'; The natural object is always the adequate symbol'; His true Penelope was Flaubert, He fished by obstinate isles'; So that:'; Timing the thunder'; And they dug him up out of sepulture soi distantly looking for Manichaeans'; There is no substitute for a lifetime'.)
  27. Brooke-Rose, Christine: A Structural Analysis of Pound's Usura Canto. Jakobson's Method Extended and Applied to Free Verse. The Hague, Paris: Mouton, 1976. [KoninklijkeB]* (The Text: Canto 45; Theoretical Considerations; The spatial object/event; The Indictment: Discourse versus Historical Narrative; The Semic Polarities; Levels 1, 2, 4 (3) General; Levels 1, 2, 4 (3) Detail; Level 3: Phonic and Prosodic; Conclusion.)
  28. Brooker, Peter: A Student's Guide to The Selected Poems of Ezra Pound. London, Boston: Faber and Faber, 1979. [JATE˙A93001]* (Preface; Biographical Table: EZRA LOOMIS POUND 1885-1972; Select Bibliography; Editorial Note; NOTES: from PERSONAE (1908, 1909, 1910): Cino; Na Audiart; Villonaud for this Yule; The Tree; Sestina: Altaforte; Ballad of the Goodly Fere; Planh for the Young English King; "Blandula, Tennula, Vagula"; Erat Hora; The House of Splendour; La Fraisne; A Villonaud: Ballad of the Gibbet; Marvoil; Peire Vidal Old; from RIPOSTES (1912): Portrait d'une Femme; An Object; The Seafarer; Doria; Apparuit; The Return; from LUSTRA: Tenzone; The Garret; The Garden; Salutation; Salutation the Second; The Spring; Commission; A Pact; Dance Figure; April; Gentildonna; The Rest; Les Millwin; A Song of the Degrees; It‚; The Bath Tub; Liu Ch'e; Arides; Amities; Meditatio; Ladies; Coda; The Coming of War: Actaeon; In a Station of the Metro; Alba; Coitus; The Encounter; ; "Ione, Dead the Long Year"; The Tea Shop; The Lake Isle; Epitaphs; Villanelle: The Psychological Hour; Alba from "Langue d'Oc"; Near Perigord; CATHAY: Song of the Bowmen of Shu; The Beautiful Toilet; The River Song; The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter; Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin; The Jewel Stairs' Grievance; Lament of the Frontier Guard; Exile's Letter; FOUR POEMS OF DEPARTURE: Separation of the River Kiang; Taking Leave of a Friend; Leave-Taking Near Shoku; The City of Choan; South Folk in Old Country; Sennin Poem by Kakuhaku; A Ballad of the Mulberry Road; Old Idea of Choan by Rosoriu; To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud"; HOMAGE TO SEXTUS PROPERTIUS (1917): I "Shades of Callimachus, Coan ghosts of Philetas"; II "I had been in the shade, recumbent on cushioned Helicon"; III "Midnight, and a letter comes from our mistress"; IV "Difference of opinion with Lygdamus"; V "Now if ever it is time to cleans Helicon"; VI "When, when, and whenever death closes our eyelids"; VII "Me happy, night, night, full of brightness"; VIII "Jove, be merciful to that unfortunate woman"; IX "The twisted rhombs ceased their clamour of accompaniment"; X "Light, light of my eyes, at an exceedingly late hour I was wandering"; XI "The harsh acts of our levity!"; XII "Who, who will be the next man to entrust his girl to a friend?" HUGH SELWYN MAUBERLEY: I E.P. Ode Pour L'Election de Son S‚pulchre; II "The age demanded an image"; III "The tea-rose tea-gown, etc."; IV "These fought in any case"; V "There died a myriad"; VI Yeux Glauques; VII Siena mi fe': Disfecemi Maremma'; VIII Brennbaum; IX Mr. Nixon; X "Beneath the sagging roof"; XI " Conservatrix of Mil‚sien'"; XII "Daphne with her thighs in bark"; Envoi (1919); Mauberley (1920); I "Turned from the eau-forte'"; II "For three years, diabolus in the scale"; III "The Age Demanded"; IV "Scattered Moluccas"; V Medallion; Cantos 1; 2; 3; from 4; 9; 13; from 14; 17; from 20; from 25; from 30; from 36; 38; 45; 47; 49; 51; from 53; from 62; from 74; from 76; from 79; from 80; from 81; from 83; from 91; from 93; from98; from 107; from 110; from 115; from 116; Map: "Europe or the Setting".)
  29. Bush, Ronald: The Genesis of Ezra Pound's Cantos. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976. [MTA˙606.359]* (A Guide to the Publication History of the Cantos; Red Herrings; A First Set of Structural Terms; The Growth of Three Cantos; Toward a New Narrative Voice; Stages of Revision; "Murmur of Old men's Voices"; The Future Cantos; The original Canto VI.)
  30. Carpenter, Humphrey: A Serious Character. The Life of Ezra Pound. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1988.* [Dpt; MTA 670.094] (1885-1908 Ra'; It Might Go Off And Hirt Someone; The Infant Gargantua; Suburban Prejudice; The Way Poundie Felt; Lily Pound in the Frog Pond; Just so the Mask Shall Fit; Noit Yet Lost Your Virginity; The Athens of the West; Latin Quarter Type; 1908-20 Ezra'; An Excellent Place to Come to from Crawfordsville; Deah Old Lunnon; The Most Charming Woman in London; Yeats Has at last Arrived; Ezra! Ezra!; Sediment; New Age; Foreign Correspondent; Our Little Gang; Orient from all Quarters; Almost As Intelligent...!; Youth Racket; An American Called Eliot; Demon Pantechnicon Driver; Get on with Our Renaissance; Endless Poem; Baser Passions; Mr Atheling and Mr Dias; Obscene, as Life; Devirginated Young Ladies; Try This on Your Piano; Douglas the Real Mind; Atmospheres, Nuances; Shifting to Paris; 1921-45 E.P.'; I Have Made an Opera': Great Clot of Genital Fluid; 70 bis; Caro Lapino; Wise Guy; Fiddle Music; Ez He Lives on the Roof; Human Complications; Giving 'Em the Medicine; How To Read; ABCD and the JKLM; The Ink is mostly Green; Me and Muss/; Rabbit so Bad; Casa 60; Ezuversity; Fighting a Wasp Nest; First Clawss to Amurika; Get Hold of their Microphone; Europe Calling! Pound Speaking!; Recoming to U/S/; 8 from US Indicted; Out Fer the Mountains; Civilized; 1945-58 Grampaw'; Definitely Not Senile; Gorilla Cage; It Exists only In Fragments; Talk when He Wants You to Talk; Very Wobbly in His Mind; Cornered; He Is, in other Words, Insane; Hell-hole; Unsound Mind; End of the West; Somewhat More Latitude; Bubble-gum; Acolites Etc.; A National Skeleton; Our Mood Is Your Mood, Mr Frost; 1958-72 Personae; Trained for a Demigod; Drammertist; C'est Autre Chose; Who Is the now to Share a Joke with?; Prospero; A Bit of Real Fun.)
  31. Carson, Luke: Consumption and Depression in Gertrude Stein, Louis Zukofsky and Ezra Pound. Macmillan: Houndmills, 1999.*
  32. Casillo, Robert: The Genealogy of Demons. Anti-Semitism, Fascism, and the Myths of Ezra Pound. Evanston,IL: Northwestern University Press, 1988. [Yale]* (Introduction; The Jews as Negative Principle; The Jews, Castration, and Usury; Medievalism, Corporatism, and Totalitarian Culture; The Enlightenment and Orientalism; Modern Anti-Semitism and Millenarianism: Zielinski, Frobenius, Rosenberg, and the Protocols; Bachofen and the Conquest of the Swamp; Waddell and Aryan Tradition; Nature, Race, and History I; Nature, Race, and History II; Nature, Race, and History III; America and London; Persecution and Power; Society, Economics, and Politics; The Role of the Scapegoat; Indeterminacy and Crisis, I: The Selva Oscura; Indeterminacy and Crisis, II: The Tangle of Luxury and Passion; Profanation; "Nothing Can Save You": The Sacrifice; Pound's Gods: Contagion, Magic, and Taboo; The God in the Crowd; The Doubles; The Return of the Swamp; "All Will Be Judged".)
  33. Cookson, William (ed.): Agenda 8/3-4 (Autumn-Winter 1970). Special Issue in Honour of Ezra Pound's Eighty-Fifth Birthday. (E. Pound: Notes; A Note by the Editor; H. Kenner: Drafts & Fragments and the Structure of the Cantos; D. Davie: An Appreciation of Canto 110; H. MacDiarmid: The Esemplastic Power; P. Whigham: Il Suo Paradiso Terrestre; T. Scott: Two Plus Two Would Equal Four but for the Shadow; K. Cox: New Things Seen; M. Spann: Beauty in Fragments; C. Connolly: A Short Commentary; W. Cookson: A Few Notes on Drafts & Fragments; P. Jay: Poem; D. Pearlman: The Inner Metronome: A Genetic Study of Time in Pound.)
  34. Cookson, William (ed.): Agenda 17/3-4-18/1 (Autumn-Winter-Spring 1979/80). Twenty-First Anniversary Ezra Pound Special Issue. (E. Pound: Canto 115; E. Pound: Some Letters to William Cookson; E. Pound: Four Uncollected Literary Essays; Ezra Pound: Slice of Life; Dante: Sestina translated by Peter Dale; Dante: Cosi nel Mio Parlar Voglio Esser Aspro... translated by Tom Scott; Ezra Pound: Gists from Uncollected Prose; M. Merchant: The Coke Cantos; P. Dale: Some Translations from Jules Laforgue; A.D. Moody: Cantos I-III: Craft and Vision; F. H"lderlin: Three Poems translated by Richard Sieburth; M. Alexander: Pound's Sense of Humour; E. Pound: Four Steps; B. Eastman: The Gap in the Cantos; M. de Rachewiltz: Fragments of an Atmosphere; R. Reid: Pound's Radio Speeches; D. O'Grady: Versions from Greek; A. Neame: Typing Under the Bed; R. Creely: Why Pound!?!; C.H. Sisson: Pound's Literary Programmes; E. Pound: Lenin; D.G. Bridson: Italian Painting in the Cantos; E. Pound: Divorce reform; W. Cookson: A Note on The Classic Anthology; P. Makin: Kennedy, Fenollosa, Pound and the Chinese Character; R. Gibbons: Pound and the Gods; R. John: A Note on the meaning of the Cantos; M. Alexander: G.S. Fraser; E. Pound: Shaw and Journalism; E. Pound: Desideria; S. Awiszus: Statements on Pound's Notes; D. Jones: Extract from a Letter to Father Desmond Chute; J. Heath-Stubbs: Michael Alexander's The Poetic Achievement of Ezra Pound; M. Alexander: Two reviews; P. Dale: Pound and De Gourmont; D. O'Grady: Ezra Pound: A Personal memoir.)
  35. Cookson, William: A Guide to The Cantos of Ezra Pound. London, Sydney: Croom Helm, 1985. [x]* (M.L. Rosenthal: Foreword; Acknowledgements; Introduction; How to Approach the Cantos; A Warning; An Anthology of Statements by Ezra Pound on the Cantos; Guide to the Cantos: A Draft of XXX Cantos; XXXI-XLI; XLII-LI; LII-LXXI- The Pisan Cantos; Section: Rock-Drill; Thrones; Drafts & Fragments; Appendix A: Chronology and Select Bibliography of Pound's Writings; Appendix B: Suggestion of Further Reading and Select Bibliography of Sources of the Cantos; Appendix C: Select Bibliography of Books about Pound.)
  36. Cornell, Julien: The Trial of Ezra Pound. A Documented Account of the Treason Case by the Defendant's Lawyer. New York: The John Day Company, 1966. [Yale]* (Introduction; The Broadcasts; Counself for the Defense; Arraignment; Medical Examination; The Trial; Habeas Corpus; Saint Elizabeths; Return to Italy; Appendix: Text of Broadcasts; Text of Indictment; Brief concerning Bail; Transcript of Trial.)
  37. Coyle, Michael: Ezra Pound, Popular Genres, and the Discourse of Culture. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. () [x]*
  38. Craig, Cairns: Yeats, Eliot, Pound, and the Politics of Poetry. Richest to the Richest. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1982. [JATE B98556]
  39. Csillag Veronika: 56 Pages on The Cantos of Ezra Pound. MA Thesis. ELTE: manuscript, 1979.*
  40. D'Agostino, Nemi: Ezra Pound. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1960. [Mnchen]* (Introduzione; Prelusid americani; Il noviziato (1); Il noviziato (2. Lo spirito romanzo); La poetica (1); La poetica (2); Verso lo (r)stil nuovoŻ; Due maschere dell'artista; La poetica (3); I Cantos.)*
  41. Dasenbrock, Reed Way: Imitating the Italians. Wyatt, Spenser, Synge, Pound, Joyce. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1991. [G"ttingen*; MTA 691.428] (The Changing Place of Italy in English Literature; Understanding renaissance Imitation: The Example of Wyatt; The Petrarchan Context of Spenser's Amoretti; Escaping the Squires' Double Bind in The Faerie Queene; Queen Elizabeth and the Politics of Petrarchism; Synge's Irish Renaissance Petrarchism; Leopardi and Pound's Apprehension of the Italian Past; Homer, Dante, Vico, Croce, Joyce; Pound's Macchiavellian Moment; Ezra Pound, the Last Ghibelline; Understanding Modernist Imitation: Mozart contra Wagner in Ulysses; In Search for the True Dantescan Voice; Appendix: Pound's Map of Italian Literature for Mussolini.)
  42. Davenport, Guy: The Geography of the Imagination. Forty Essays. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1981. [Rotterdam]* (The Geography of the Imagination; The Symbols of the Archaic; Another Odyssey; The House That Jack Built; Prehistoric Eyes; Whitman; Olson; Zukofsky; Marianne Moore; Spinoza's Tulips; Do You Have a Poem Book on E. E. Cummings?; Seeing Shelley Plain; Persephone's Ezra; The Pound Vortex; Ezra Pound 1885-1972; "Trees"; Jonathan Williams; Ronald Johnson; Poetry's Golden; Where Poems Come From; Ishmael's Double; Louis Agassiz; That Faire Field of Enna; Charles Ives; Ozymandias; Christ's Cunning Rimesmith; Joyce's Forest of Symbols; The Man Without Contemporaries; Narrative Tone and Form; Tchelitchew; Jack Yeats the Elder; Wittgenstein; Hobbitry; Dictionary; No, But I've Read the Book; The Anthropology of Table Manners from Geophagy Onward; The Indian and His Image; Finding; Ralph Eugene Meatyard; Ernst Machs Max Ernst.)
  43. Davenport, Guy: Cities on Hills. A Study of I-XXX of Ezra Pound's Cantos. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983. [Mnchen]* (Introduction; The Subject; The Parallel Design in Ruskin; The Ideogram: The Trying Out; The Grammar of Patterned Imagery; A Preliminary Note on Style; Design; The Controlling Metaphors: Periplus; Vortex; Taishan; Cantos I-XXX: Odysseus in Hades: I Periplus; II Meptamorphosis; III Taishan; IV The Rites; V The Arrow Has Not Two Points; VI Helen; VII Wasteland; VIII-XI Sigismondo Malatesta: An Introduction; VIII Sword, Lute, Chisel; IX The Tempio; X Roman Eagle; XI Books, Arms, men; XII The Tale of the Honest Sailor; XIII Confucius; XIV Hell: VisionI; XV Hell: Vision II; XVI Hell: Vision III; XVII The Forest of Marble; XVIII Zaharoff; XIX The Cold Subject Economics; XX The Lotus Eaters; XXI The Discontinuous Gods; XXII Sagetrieb; XXIII Helios Navigating the Dark; XXIV Niccol• d'Este; XXV venice; XXVI Art and Tyranny; XVII Make It New; XXVIII The Ligneous Ambassadors; XXIX The Osmosis of Persons; XXX Coda to XXX Cantos; Conclusion.)
  44. Davidson, Harriet: T. S. Eliot and Hermeneutics. Absence and Interpretation in The Waste Land. Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1985. [ZBZürich*] (1. Absence and Density in The Waste Land; The Hermeneutic Universe; Philosophy without Absolutes; Criticism and the Idea of the World; The Waste Land: A Ceaseless Hermeneutic)
  45. Davie, Donald: Ezra Pound. Poet as Sculptor. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965 [1964]. [MTA˙415.547]* (Introduction. The Classic Anthology Defined by Confucius; The Early Collections, "The Seafarer", The Spirit of Romance, Canto I, Ripostes, Imagism; Cathay, Arnaut Daniel, The Noh; Gaudier-Brzeska, Vorticism, Lustra; Gourmont; Homage to Sextus Propertius, Imaginary Letters, Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; Cavalcanti; A Draft of XXX Cantos, The Malatesta Cantos, Canto 17, Canto 20; Cantos 30-36, Guide to Kulchur; The Fifth Decad of Cantos, The Chinese History Cantos, The Adams Cantos; The Pisan Cantos; Confucius; The Rock-Drill Cantos; Women of Trachis, Thrones, Conclusion.)
  46. Davie, Donald: Pound. Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, 1975.* (Introduction; Romance Languages; A Programmatic Decade; Selwyn Mauberley and Sextus Propertius; Ideas in the Cantos; Rhythms in the Cantos; Towards a Conclusion; Conclusion.)
  47. Davie, Donald: Trying to Explain. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1979. [MTA˙623.157]* (A West Riding Boyhood, 18-26; Talking with Millicent Dillon, 27-48; Art and Anger, 52-62; Ezra Pound Abandons the English, 114-128; Pound and The Exile, 128-133; Two Kinds of Magnanimity, 143-149; A Fascist Poem: Yeats's "Blood and the Moon", 165-173; American Literature: The Canon, 179-198; Some Notes on Rhythm in Verse, 199-202; Talking with Dana Gioia, 203-213.)
  48. Davie, Donald: Studies in Ezra Pound. Chronicles and Polemic. Manchester: Carcanet, 1991. [?]
  49. Davis, Earle: Vision Fugitive. Ezra Pound and Economics. Lawrence, London: The University Press of Kansas, 1968. [MTA˙477.559]* (The Man and The Cantos; Counterpoint and Relativity; The Present Inferno; Money, Credit, and Distribution; The Ideograms of Economic Reform; The Repeat in History; Mussolini and/or Ezra; The Tragic Flaw.)
  50. Davis, Kay: Fugue and Fresco: Structures in Pound's Cantos. Orono,MN: The National Poetry Foundation, 1984. [UBG"ttingen]* (Eleusis: Descent/Repeat/Metamorphosis; Subject Rhyme; Ideogram and Ring Composition; Arena and Conversation; Fugue; Fresco.)
  51. Dekker, George: The Cantos of Ezra Pound. A Critical Study. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1963. [KLTE˙422.137]* (THE THEME OF EROS IN THE CANTOS: Poetic Motive and Stratyegy in The Cantos: Homage to Confucius; A Hell' without Dignity or Tragedy; Antecedents and Contemporaries; fertility Ritual in The Cantos: From Dead Concepts' to Blood Rite'; Blood Rite': Canto I; Sailing After Knowledge; Troubadour Biography and Myth: Testimony: Canto II; Canto IV: Myth, Troubadour Biogreaphy, and Metamorphosis; Myth and Metamorphosis: Two Aspects of Myth in The Cantos; metamorphosis; Eros: An Instigation: Earlier Influences and Achievements; Gourmont and the Troubadours in Canto XXIX; Helen-Tellus and Miss Tudor; POUND'S ARCANUM: Cavalvanti's Canzone d'Amore and Canto XXXVI: The omance of Romance Scholarship; Pound as a Translator of medieval Poetry; Canto XXVI as a Translation'; Pound's Arcanum: Deeming Intention to be reason's peer and mate'; Further Reservations; TIME AND TRADITION IN POUND'S POETRY: Propertius, Mauberley, and the Cancelled Cantos: Homage to Sextus Propertius; The Cancelled Cantos; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; The First Seventy-One Cantos: CantosI-XLI; The Fifth Decad of Cantos; Cantos LII-LXXI; The Late Cantos: The Pisan Sequence; Cantos 85-109; Cantos 110-?.)
  52. Dembo, L. S.: Conceptions of Reality in Modern American Poetry. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. [MTA˙446.668]* (Introduction; Imagism and Aesthetic Mysticism; William Carlos Williams: Objectivist Mathematics; Wallace Stevens: Meta-Men and Para-Things; Maranne Moore: Unparticularities; E.E. Cummings: The Now Man; Hart Crane: The "Nuclear Self" and the Fatal Object; Ezra Pound: Fac Deum; T.S. Eliot: Fac Hominem; Postscript: Charles Olson and Robert Duncan: The Mystique of Speech and Rhythm.)
  53. D'Epiro, Peter: A Touch of Rhetoric. Ezra Pound's Malatesta Cantos. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1983. [x]* (The Malatesta Manuscripts: Beginnings to the Watson Typescript; From the Watson Typescript to the Final Version; The Deflated Epic Style of the Malatesta Cantos; The Malatesta Mystique in the World of Ezra Pound.)
  54. Dickey, James: Pound Lecture [Five]. The Water-Bug's Mittens. Ezra Pound: What We Can Use. University of Idaho, 1979. [Yale]*
  55. Dilligan, Robert J., James W. Parins, Todd K. Bender: A Concordance to Ezra Pound's Cantos. New York, London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1981. [BLLD]* (A Note to Users; Technical Preface; English Vocabulary; Non-English Vocabulary; Word Frequences in Alphabetical Order; Word Grequences in Rank Order.)
  56. Driscoll, John: The China Cantos of Ezra Pound. Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 1983.*[JATE B103348] (Introduction; The Role of Translation in the China Cantos; Narrative Techniques in Canto 52; Narrative Techniques in Canto 53; Canto 55 and the Reforms of Ouang-ngan-ch‚; The Selection of Detail; Omissions from Histoire; Allusion; Colloquialisms and Slang; Conclusion.)
  57. Durant, Alan: Ezra Pound, Identity in Crisis. A fundamental reassessment of the poet and his work. Brighton, Totowa,NJ: The Harvester Press, Barnes & Noble, 1981. [UBSaarbrücken*; MTA˙632.406] (Note on Quotations from the Cantos; Abbreviations; Pound Currency and its Devaluation; Early Writing: The Self of the Poetry; The Changing Face of the Cantos; Fenollosa and Pound: The Lyric and Vision; Dissimulating Authority: Gourmont, the Haves and the Have-Nots, Fascism; Identity and the Other Face; Conclusion: Knowledge at Sea.)
  58. Eastham, Scott: Paradise & Ezra Pound. The Poet as Shaman. Lanham,MD, London: University Press of America, 1983. [UBOsnabrck]* (Religion & Literature; The Walled Garden; The Word as Image; The Poet As Psychopomp.)
  59. Eastman, Barbara C.: Ezra Pound's Cantos: The Story of the Text 1948-1975. With Introduction by Hugh Kenner. Orono,ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1979. [Zürich]* (H. Kenner: Introduction; Problems and Archaeology; The Reader and the Text; The Historical Synthesis; The Critic's Method; Appendices; The Textual Analysis; A Draft of XXX Cantos; Eleven New Cantos XXXI-XLI; The Fifth Decad of Cantos XLII-LI; Cantos LII-LXXI; The Pisan Cantos LXXIV-LXXXIV; Section: Rock-Drill de los Cantares LXXXV-XCV; Thrones de los Cantares XCVI-CIX; Drafts & Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII. Addenda.)
  60. Eder, Doris L.: Three Writers in Exile: Pound, Eliot & Joyce. Troy,NY: The Whitston Publishing Company, 1984. [Yale]* (Ezra Pound's Odyssey; T.S. Eliot's Search for Roots; Joyce: The Eternal Return.)
  61. Edwards, John: A Preliminary Checklist of the Writings of Ezra Pound. Especially his Contribution to Periodicals. With an introduction by Norman Holmes Pearson. New Haven: Kirgo-Books, 1953.*
  62. Edwards, John Hamilton, William Vasse: Annotated Index to the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Cantos I-LXXXIV. With the assistance of John J. Espey and Frederic Peachy. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1957. [MTA˙480.748]* (Annotated Index; Appendixes: Appendix A: Greek; Appendix B: Chinese; Appendix C: Chronology; Appendix D: Genealogy; Appendix E: Quotation Index; Appendix F: Source Checklist; Appendix G: Text Collation; Appendix H: Correlation Table; Additions and Corrections.)
  63. Elder, Bruce: The Films of Stan Brakhage in the American Tradition of Ezra Pound, Gertrude Stein, and Charles Olson. Wilfrid Laurier University Press: Waterloo, Ontario, 1998.*
  64. Ellmann, Maud: The Poetics of Impersonality. T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound. Brighton: The Harvester Press, 1987. [MTA˙675.128]* (Introduction: Ego Scriptor; The Loop in Time; The Spider and the Weevil: Self and Writing in Eliot's Early Poetry; The Waste Land: A Sphinx without a Secret; The Figure in the Four Quartets; "What part ob yu is deh poEM?"; The Erasure of History; Coda.)
  65. Emery, Cark: Ideas into Action. A Study of Pound's Cantos. University of Miami Press: Coral Gables, 1958.*
  66. Espey, John: Ezra Pound's Mauberley. A Study in Composition. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1974 [1955].* [JATE B101543] (Unresolved canon; maux et cam‚es; Syrian syncopation; The Major James; Phisique de l'amour; Notes of varying length; Mauberley as node; Text of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley.)
  67. Fender, Stephen: The American Long Poem. An Annotated Selection. London: Edward Arnold, 1977. [BLLD]* (Preface; Introduction; Walt Whitman: Starting from Paumanok; Crossing Brookly Ferry; Passage to India; Hart Crane: The Bridge; Ezra Pound: Canto 31; Canto 37; Canto 38; Canto 39; Wallace Stevens: Notes toward a Supreme Fiction; William Carlos Williams: Paterson, Book IV. Further Reading.)
  68. Flory, Wendy Stallard: Ezra Pound and The Cantos: A Record of Struggle. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1980. [UBGöttingen*; MTA˙618.488] (Record of Struggle: As Sextant; The Form of The Cantos; The Good: The "Divine or Permanent World"; Evil: Usura and the Hell of the Present; The Struggle against Usura: The Heroes; Pound's Struggle with Himself; Pound the Man of Letters versus Pound the Man: The Influence of Wyndham Lewis and Henri Gaudier-Brzeska; Cantos 1-71; The Pisan Cantos; J'Ayme Donc Je Suis.)
  69. Flory, Wendy Stallard: The American Ezra Pound. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1989. [Yale*; MTA 670.333] (An American Childhood and the Ideal of Public Service; Visionary Economics; Pound and Mussolini: "The Coming of War: Abyssinia"; The Antisemitism of the Rome Radio Broadcasts; The Return to Italy: "To Confess Wrong..."; Afterword.)
  70. Fogelman, Bruce: Shapes of Power. The Development of Ezra Pound's Poetic Sequences. Ann Arbor, London: UMI Research Press, 1988. [Yale]* (Introduction: "Look at the Fish"; "Revolt"; "Toward the Long Poem": Pound's First Sequences; "Arrangements of Forms": From Ripostes through Quia Pauper Amavi; "The Book-As-a-Whole": 1905-1909; "The Book-As-a-Whole": 1911-1919; "Forth on the Godly Sea": Hugh Selwyn Mauberley and The Cantos.)
  71. Fraser, G.S.: Ezra Pound. Edinburgh, London: Oliver and Boyd, 1966 [1960].* [Dpt] (The Man and his Ideas; The Work in Verse and Prose; Pound and his Critics; Bibliography.)
  72. Friebert, Stuart, David Young (eds): Ezra Pound: A Symposium. In: Field. Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 33 (Fall 1985), 7-70. [Yale]* (D. Hall: Pound's Sounds; W. Matthews: Young Ezra; S. Plumly: Pound's Garden; J. Laughlin: Rambling Around Pound's Propertius; N. Dubie: Into the Sere and Yellow; C. Muske: Al; ba LXXIX; C. Wright: Improvisations on Pound.)
  73. Froula, Christine: A Guide to Ezra Pound's Selected Poems. New York: New Directions, 1983 [1982]. [Dpt˙9546*] (Acknowledgements; Abbreviations for Ezra Pound's Works; Introduction; Early Poems (1908-12): Cino; Na Audiart; Villonaud for this Yule; The Tree; The White Stag; Sestina: Altaforte; Ballad of the Goodly Fere; Planh for the Young English King; "Blandula, Tennula, Vagula"; Erat Hora; The House of Splendour; The Tomb at Akr €aar; Portrait d'une Femme; An Object; The Seafarer; Doria (Doria); Apparuit; A Virginal; Of Jacopo del Sellaio; The Return; Lustra (1916/1917): Tenzone; The Garret; The Garden; Salutation; The Spring; A Pact; Dance Figure; April; The Rest; Les Millwin; A Song of the Degrees; It‚; Salvationists; Arides; Amities; Meditatio; Coda; The Coming of War: Actaeon; In a Station of the Metro; Alba; Coitus; The Encounter; ; Tame Cat; The Tea Shop; Ancient Music; The Lake Isle; Epitaphs; Villanelle: The Psychological Hour; Pagani's November 8; Alba from "Langue d'Oc"; Near Perigord; from Cathay (1915): Song of the Bowmen of Shu; The Beautiful Toilet; The River Song; The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter; Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin; The Jewel Stairs' Grievance; Lament of the Frontier Guard; Exile's Letter; Taking Leave of a Friend; A Ballad of the Mulberry Road; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920): E.P. Ode Pour L'Election de Son S‚pulchre; II "The age demanded an image"; III "The tea-rose tea-gown, etc."; IV "These fought in any case"; V "There died a myriad"; Yeux Glauques; Siena mi fe': Disfecemi Maremma'; Brennbaum; Mr. Nixon; X "Beneath the sagging roof"; XI " Conservatrix of Milésien'"; XII "Daphne with her thighs in bark"; Envoi (1919); Part Two: Mauberley; "Turned from the eau-forte'": II "For three years, diabolus in the scale"; "The Age Demanded"; IV "Scattered Moluccas"; Medallion; from Homage to Sextus Propertius (1918/1919): I "Shades of Callimachus, Coan ghosts of Philetas"; III "Midnight, and a letter comes from our mistress"; IV "Difference of opinion with Lygdamus"; V "Now if ever it is time to cleans Helicon"; 2 "Yet you ask on what account I write so many love-lyrics"; VI "When, when, and whenever death closes our eyelids"; VII "Me happy, night, night, full of brightness"; IX,1 "The twisted rhombs ceased their clamour of accompaniment"; 2 "Persephone and Dis, Dis, have mercy upon her" 3 "My light, light of my eyes"; X "Light, light of my eyes, at an exceedingly late"; XII "Who, who will be the next man to entrust his girl to a friend?" Cantos 1; 2; 3; from 4; 9; 13; from 14; 17; from 20; from 25; from 30; from 36; 38; 45; 47; 49; 51; from 53; from 62; Introduction to The Pisan Cantos; from 74; from 76; from 79; from 80; from 81; from 83; from 91; from 93; from Women of Trachis; Works Cited; Index.)
  74. Froula, Christine: To Write Paradise: Style and Error in Pound's Cantos. New Haven, London: Yale University Press, 1984. [BLLD]*
  75. Furbank, P.N.: Pound. Milton Keynes, Philadelphia: Open University Press, 1985. [BLLD]* (Ezra Pound and Modernism'; Imagism; Early Poems; Cathay; Homage to Sextus Propertius; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; Approaching The Cantos.)
  76. Furia, Philip: Pound's Cantos Declassified. University Park, London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1984.* (Preface; Lines of Transmission; Malatesta's Post-Bag; The Printing House of Hell; Civic Acounts; Presidential Correspondence; Sienese Bank Charters; Chinese Mirrors; The Adams Papers; The Pisan Black-out; A memorial to Archivists and Librarians; Final Documents: Coke and Rock; Notes and references.)
  77. Gallesi, Luca: Ezra Pound Educatore. Asefi srl: Milano, 1997.*
  78. Gallup, Donald: Ezra Pound. A Bibliography. Charlottesville: The University Press of Virginia, 1983 [1963]. [Gorkij*; MTA 648.690]
  79. Gallup, Donald C.: Pigeons on the Granite. Memories of a Yale Librarian. New Haven: The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 1988.* (First Years at Yale 1930-1937; Europe 1937; Dallas, New Haven Again, and the Army 1937-1942; England in Wartime 1942-1944; Paris, Frankfurt, Oxford 1944-1945; Beginning Again at Yale 1946-1947; Carl Van Vechten 1946-1964; T.S. Eliot 1946-1965; Alice B. Toklas 1946-1967; Norman Holmes Pearson 1946-1975; Publishing Gertrude Stein 1947-1971; Editing the Yale University Library Gazette 1947-1980; Marsden Hartley 1947-1980; Thornton Wilder 1947-1985; The Ezra Pound Archive 1947-1987; Administering the Bollingen Prize 1949-1979; Georgia O'Keeffe 1949-1986; The Dial Papers 1949-1987; Mabel Dodge Luhan 1951-1962; Carlotta Monterey O'Neil 1954-1970; Edmund Wilson 1961-1975; Kathryn Hulme 1975-1982; Afterword 1987.)
  80. Garufi, Laura Cantelmo: Invito alla lettura di Ezra Pound. Milano: Mursia, 1978. [Milano]* (Cronologia; La vita; Le opere; Temi e motivi; La critica.)
  81. Gefin, Laszlo [Kemenes]: Ideogram. History of a Poetic Method. University of Texas Press, 1982. [Dpt]
  82. Goodwin, Willard (ed.): The Imagist Revolution 1908-1918. An Exhibition of Books and Manuscripts by the Imagist Poets. Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center. The University of Texas at Austin, September 21, 1992-January 29, 1993. A Keepsake Including the Texts of Two Letters from Ezra Pound to F.S. Flint and a Letter from Flint to Pound. Austin: Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, 1992.*
  83. Grover, Philip (ed.): Ezra Pound. The London Years: 1908-1920. New York: AMS Press, 1978. [MTA˙610.038*] (Contributors; E. Homberger: Modernists and Edwardians; W. Pratt: Ezra Pound and the Image; P. Makin: Pound's Provence and the Medieval Paideuma: An Essay in Aesthetics; D. Monk: How to Misread: Pound's Use of Translation; I.F.A. Bell: Mauberley's Barrier of Style; W. Baumann: The Structure of Canto IV; Notes; Catalogue of the Pound Exhibition (Sheffield University, 23 April 1976); Illustrations.)
  84. Hall, Donald: Remembering Poets. Reminiscences and Opinions. Dylan Thomas, Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound. New York, Hagerstown, San Francisco, London: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1978. [Yale]* (Introduction; Dylan Thomas and Public Suicide; Vanity, Fame, Love, and Robert Frost; Notes on T.S. Eliot; Fragments of Ezra Pound; Conclusion: Gladness and Madness; Appendix: The Paris Review Interviews with T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound.)
  85. Hamilton, Scott: Ezra Pound and the Symbolist Inheritance. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992. [BLLD*; MTA 694.778] (Ezra Pound and the Symboloist Inheritance; Pound's Gradus ad Parnassum; Pound's Gradus a Parnasso: Mysanthropy, Pound, and Some French Satire; The Citadel of the Intelligent: Pound's Laforgue; The Wobbling Pivot: Surfave and Depth in the Early Cantos; L'ternelle Ritournelle in the Late Cantos; Robert Duncan's Revisionary Ratios: Rewriting The Spirit of Romance.)
  86. Harmon, William: Time in Ezra Pound's Work. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1977. [UBG"ttingen]* (Pound's Earlier Critical Writings on Cultural Time and Value; Pound's Later Critical Writings on Cultural Time and Value; Pound's Poetics of Time and Timelessness; Personae and Time; Pound's Record of Struggle; Appendix: Time in the Study of Literature.)
  87. Hesse, Eva (ed.): New Approaches to Ezra Pound. A Co-Ordinated Investigation of Pound's Poetry and Ideas. Edited with an Introduction by Eva Hesse. London: Faber and Faber, 1969. [x]* (E. Hesse: Introduction; R. Ellmann: Ez and Old Billyum; N.C. de Nagy: Pound and Browning; F. Read: Pound, Joyce, and Flaubert: The Odysseans; G. Davenport: Persephone's Ezra; B. de Rachewiltz: Pagan and Magic Elements in Ezra Pound's Works; D. Davie: The Poet as Sculptor; J.P. Sullivan: Ezra Pound and the Classics; C. Brooke-Rose: Lay Me by Aurelie: An Examination of Pound's Use of Historical and Semi-Historical Sources; George Dekker: Myth and Metsamorphoses: Two Aspecys of Myth in The Cantos; W. Baumann: Secretary of Nature, J. Heydon; J. Espey: The Inheritance of ; H. Kenner: Blood for the Ghosts; A. Cook: Rhythm and Person in The Cantos; L. Fiedler: Traitor or Laureate: The Two Trials of the Poet.)
  88. Hesse, Eva: Ezra Pound. Von Sinn und Wahnsinn. Mnchen: Kindler, 1978. [MTA˙617.356]* (Vorwort; Eine Zeit zu reden, eine Zeit zu schweigen; Sensibilit“t und Rationalit“t; Der Zorn, der den Poeten Macht; Die Neurosen der Gesundheit; Dichtung als m“nnliche Wunschform; Sensibilit“t und falsches Bewusstsein.)
  89. Heymann, C. David: Ezra Pound: The Last Rower. A Political Profile. New York: The Viking Press, 1975. [x]* (Settings (1885-1939); Inferno (1939-1945); Purgatory (1945-1958); Paradise (1958-1972); Coda: To the End (1971-1972).)
  90. Hoffman, Daniel (ed.): Ezra Pound & William Carlos Williams. The University of Pennsylvania Conference Papers. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1983. [Yale]* (D. Hoffman: Preface; H. Kenner: Poets at the Blackboard; E.M. Wallace: Youthful Days and Costly Hours; R. Bush: Gathering the Limbs of Orpheus: The Subject of Pound's Homage to Sextus Propertius; M.F. Harper: The Revolution of the Word; W.S. Flory: The Pound Problem; D. Levertov: The Ideas in the Things; P. Christensen: William Carlos Williams in the Forties: Prelude to Postmodernism; "Her Heigh Compleynte": The Cress Letters of William Carlos Williams' Paterson; J. Laughlin: Gists and Piths: From the Letters of Pound and Williams; N.M. Westlake: Ezra Pound and William Carlos Williams Collections at the University of Pennsylvania.)
  91. Homberger, Eric (ed.): Ezra Pound. The Critical Heritage. London, Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1972. [BLLD*; MTA-483.235]
  92. Ivancich, Gianfranco (ed.): Ezra Pound in Italy. From the Pisan Cantos. Photographs by Vittorugo Contino. New York: Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 1978 [1970]. [UBBayreuth]*
  93. Janó István: Távol-keleti hatások az imagizmus költészetében. Doktori disszertáció. JATE, kézirat, 1980.*
  94. John, Roland: A Beginner's Guide to the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Salzburg: The University of Salzburg, 1995. [Augsburg]*
  95. Joseph, Terry Brint: Ezra Pound's Epic Variations: The Cantos and Major Long Poems. Introduction by John Espey. Orono, ME: National Poetry Foundation University of Maine, 1995. () [Reed College L. Portland,OR]*
  96. Juhasz, Suzanne: Metaphor and the Poetry of Williams, Pound, and Stevens. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1974. [UBG"ttingen] (Metaphor and Imagism; Definition as Example; Metaphor in The Cantos of Ezra Pound; Metaphor in Wallace Stevens's Notes Towards a Supreme Fiction; Metaphor in William Carlos Williams's Paterson; Metaphor and Experience.)
  97. Jung, Angela and Guido Palandri (eds.): Italian Images of Ezra Pound. Twelve Critical Essays. Taipei: Mei Ya Publications, Inc., 1979. [Udine?]* (A. Jung: Introduction; A. Lombardo: Ezra Pound: The Last Decadent; G. Sechi: "Decadence" and "Avant-garde" in Ezra Pound; N. d'Agostino: The Cantos of Ezra Pound; A. Rizzardi: The Masks and the Poetry of Ezra Pound; M. Boselli: Some Observations on the Critical Essays of Ezra Pound; A. Giuliani: The Metrical Recherche of Ezra Pound (the Problem of the Lyre); C. Gorlier: Poetry and Civilization; M. Praz: Two Notes on Ezra Pound; C. Cambon: Pound's Poetry as Spatial Experience; E. Montale: Uncle Ez; N. Zapponi: Ezra Pound and Futurism; C. Izzo: Twenty-three Letters and Nien Post Cards of Ezra Pound.)
  98. Kaye, Jacqueline (ed.): Ezra Pound and America. Basingstoke, London: Macmillan, 1992. [UBG"ttingen]* (M.L.Ardizzone: Some additions and Corrections to Ezra Pound e scienza; L.S.C. Bristow: God, my god, you folks are DUMB!!!': Pound's Rome Radio Broadcasts; A. Elliott: The Eidolon Self: Emerson, Whitman and Pound; P. Makin: Americanus Natione non Moribus; A.D. Moody: Composition in the Adams Cantos; E. Mottram: Ezra Pound in his Time; N. Selby: Revolutionary Figures inb Canto XXXI; R. Taylor: Reconstructing Ezra Pound's Cantos: Variorum Edition - Manuscript Archive - Reading Text; D.P. Tryphonopoulos: That Great Year Epic': Ezra Pound, Katherine Ruth Heyman and H.D.; E.P. Walkiewicz, H. Witemeyer: Ezra Pound, Bronson Cutting and American Issues, 1930-5; S. Wilson: Pound's American Revolutions.)
  99. Kayman, Martin A.: The Modernism of Ezra Pound. The Science of Poetry. Basingstoke, London: Macmillan, 1986. [Yale]* (Introduction: Some of Our Best Poets are Fascists; How to Write Well and Influence People: Pound and Imagisme; The Drama is Wholly Subjective': Pound and Science; And...': Reading The Cantos; The Gorilla and the Bird': Modernism and the Pathology of Language.)
  100. Kearns, George: Guide to Ezra Pound's Selected Cantos. Folkestone: Dawson, 1980. [UBG"ttingen*; JATE B105293] (Acknowledgements; Texts; Key to the Complete Cantos; Introduction; A Draft of XXX Cantos (1930): Canto 1; Canto 4; Canto 9; Canto 13; Canto 14; Canto 16; Eleven New Cantos (1934): Canto 31; from Canto 38; The Fifth Decad of Cantos (1937): from Canto 42; from Canto 43; Canto 44; Canto 45; X\Cantos LII-LXXI (1940): from Canto 52; Canto 53; from Canto 62; The Pisan Cantos (1948) Canto 81; from Canto 83; Canto 84; Section Rock-Drill (1955); from Canto 85; from Canto 88; Canto 95; Thrones (1959): from Canto 90; from Canto 105; from Canto 108; from Canto 109; Drafts and Fragments of Cantos (1969): from Canto 115; Canto 116; Notes; Selected Bibliography.)
  101. Kearns, George: Pound. The Cantos. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1989.*
  102. Kenner, Hugh: The Poetry of Ezra Pound. Norfolk,CT: New Directions, 1951. [SzEK]* (Prefatory Distinction; Some Meanings of Influence'; Research; Ching Ming; Chisel vs. Daisy-chain; Harmony; Why Imagism; The Moving Image; Vortex; Ideogram: Seeing; Ideogram: Making; Ideogram: Reprise; Rhythms; Persons; Passion; Cathay; Propertius; Mauberley; Once-over; Obscurity; Gists and Piths; Minor Troubles; Middle Style; Lucid Intervals; Fields of Force; Mud and Light; Plotless Epic; Digression: French Prose; Great Bass; Confucius; This Hulme Business; Second Thoughts; The Cantos': Further Notes.)
  103. Kenner, Hugh: The Pound Era. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973 [1971]. [Inst; JATE A97193]
  104. Kenner, Hugh: Pound Lectures in the Humanities. The Poetics of the Frontier. The Search for New Forms and Some Maxims of the Eminent. University of Idaho, 1975. [Yale*]
  105. Kenner, Hugh: Historical Fictions. Essays. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990.* (Hiddenmost Wonder; Ezra Pound and Homer; Poetic Closure; The Trouble of Ending; Dear Miss Weaver; On, Romanticism; Coleridge; Literary Biographies; The Poet and the Pirate; King Crank; A Torch in the Labyrinth; Kid Lit; A Thousand Lost Golf Balls; The Fourth Policeman; Poets at the Blackboard; Loove in Brooklyn; P.S. from H.D.; The Reader as Wailing Wall; Gerard Manley Hopkins; All the Angels Have Big Feet; Writing by Numbers; The Poet in the Grey Flannel Suit; Seraphic Glitters: Stevens and Nonsense; 1680 Words on Duncan's Words; The Fiction of Free-Fall; From Lower Bellowvia; Beckett Translating Beckett; Some Post-Symbolist Structures; Who Was Leslie Fiedler? The Invention of the "Other"; Breaking the Line; Williams's Rhythm of Ideas; Maynard Mack's Pope; The Traffic in Words; Wyndham Lewis: Satirist as Barbarian; Going to Hell; Beckett at Eighty; Sweet Seventeen; Nabokov (Tyrants Destroyed0; Lisping in Numbers; Self-Similarity, Fractals, Cantos; Riddley Walker; Keys to the Kingdom.)
  106. Kimsey, John C.: Ezra Pound and the Thetoric of Heresy. PhD Thesis. University of Illinois at Chicago: Chicago, 1996.*
  107. Knapp, James F.: Ezra Pound. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1979. [MTA˙618.077]* (Poetry and Vision; In Search of a Live Tradition; Imagism and Vorticism; Discovering China; Poet and Society; Toward a Major Form; The Cantos; The Cantos: Sailing Through History; Deeper Harmonies.)
  108. Korn, Marianne: Ezra Pound. Purpose/Form/Meaning. London: Middlesex Polytechnic Press Ltd., 1983. [BLLD]* (The Spirit of Romanticism: Poetry and Genius; On virtue; Tradition and the individual Poet; The Poet as Critic; The practice of criticism; The function of criticism; Culture, tradition, translation; The limits of criticism; Literature and purpose; Text and Form; The energies of language; Poetry and sound: melopoeia; Form and image; Vorticism and the problem of form; Knowledge and the Cantos; Logopoeia; Truth in the transitional poems; After Perigord; The ideogram of knowledge; Discourse and form: starting to read the Cantos.)
  109. Korn, Marianne (ed.): Ezra Pound and History. Orono,ME: The National Poetry Foundation, 1985. [BLLD]* (M.A. Bernstein: History and Textuality in Ezra Pound's Cantos; A. Durant: The Language of History in The Cantos; M. Kayman: Ezra Pound and Science: Phenomenon and History; D. Brown: The Translation of History in the Early Cantos; S. Wilson: A tentative Intervention in the Argument "Sous les Lauriers"; I.F.A. Bell: The Paralized History of Canto XXXI; A.J. Peacock: Pound and Propertius: The Limitations of an Historical Persona; J.J. Nolde: Ezra Pound and Chinese History; L. Kelly: Personal History in The Cantos; M.Y. Shaheen: The Story of Abd-el-Melik's Money in Canto 96 and 97; B. Hatlen: Ezra Pound and Fascism; D. Murray: Pound-Signs: Money and Representation in Ezra Pound.)
  110. Lane, Gary: A Concordance to Personae: The Shorter Poems of Ezra Pound. Edited by Gary Lane. New York: Haskell House Publishers Ltd., 1972. [UNoviomagensis]*
  111. Laughlin, James: Pound As Wuz. Essays and Lectures on Ezra Pound. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 1987.* (Pound As Wuz: Ez As Wuz; Pound's Pedagogy; Walking around a Water-Butt; Motz el Son: Some Notes on Pound's medieval Translations; Rambling around Pound's Propertius; An Introduction to the Cantos; Some Voices from Canto 74; Pound's Economics; E.P.: The Lighter Side.)
  112. Lewis Leary (ed.), Motive and Method in the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Columbia University Press, New York, 1954. [See among Articles*] (H. Kenner: The Broken Mirrors and the Mirror of Memory; G. Davenport: Pound and Frobenius; M.B. Quinn: The Metamorphoses of Ezra Pound; F. Read: A Man of No Fortune.)
  113. Leavis, F.R.: How To Teach Reading. A Primer for Ezra Pound. Folcroft,PA: The Folcroft Press, 1969 [1932]. UBRegensburg]*
  114. Lenberg, Lore: Rosen aus Feilstaub. Studien zu den Cantos von Ezra Pound. Wiesbaden: Limes Verlag, 1966. [Wiesbaden]* (Persona: die Masken der Toten; Image und Ideogramm: das dynamische Bild; Logopoeia: der Tanz des Intellekts; Das Thema der Fuge: Canto I und Canto II; Merkte Rouse, man spracht von Odysseus; Vögel dem Geist... sagt St. Viktor; Schönheit ist schwierig; Periplus: die Küste, wie sie Seefahrer sehn; Der Komplex Usura; Le Paradis n'est pas artificiel; Breviarium vitae.)
  115. Levy, Alan: Ezra Pound: The Voice of Silence. Sag Harbor,NY: The Permanent Press, 1983. [Zürich]* (The Man: "Ezra Pound Is No Pancake"; "Make It New". A Portrait in Quotes; Experiencing Ezra Pound; Bibliography: From Hamilton College to Hallmark Cards; Chronology 1885 to 1972.)
  116. Lindberg, Kathryne V.: Reading Pound Reading. Modernism After Nietzsche. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. [MTA˙661.729]* (Reading, Writing, and Rhetoric: Nietzschean Traces in Pound's Interpretive Petics; The Will to Read: Pound's revolution in Pedagogy; Tradition and Heresy: "Dissociation" in Eliot and Pound; Writing "Frankly": Gourmont and Pound on the Uses and Abuses of Science; Kulchural Graphics: Paideuma and the Guidelines to Poetry; Postscript: Rhizomatic America.)
  117. Link, Franz: Ezra Pound. Eine Einführung. München, Zürich: Artemis Verlag, 1984. [München]* (MYTHOS UND IMAGE IN DER FRÜHEN DICHTUNG: Metamorphose: La Fraisne The Tree A Girl; Persona: Histrion Cino Marvoil Piere Vidal Old Ballad of the Goodly Fere; Dichter: Li Bel Chasteus Masks Purveyors General Revolt The Flame In Durance Salve O Pontifex!; Frau und Geliebte: Aegupton Aube of the West Dawn Epigram (1.) Dance Figure In Epitaphium Eius For the Triumph of the Arts Praise of Ysolt Ballatetta Canzon: The Spear; Epiphanie: Paracelsu in Excelsis An Idyl for Glaucus A Prologue Apparuit The Garret Portrait d'une Femme The Garden Coitus The Jewel Stairs' Grievance; Image: Gentildonna In a Station of the Metro Alba Fan-Piece, for Her Imperial Lord Ts'ai Chi'h Papyrus The Coming of War: Actaeon; SATIRE: Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; MYTHOS UND GESCHICHTE IN THE CANTOS: Ideogramm: Canto I; Mythos und Geschichte in den frühen Cantos: a) Cantos II-XVI; b) Cantos XVII-XXX; Ordnung und geschichte in der mittleren Cantos XXXI-LXXI; Mythos und die eigene Vergangenheit in den Pisan Cantos; Mythos und gesety in den späten Cantos, LXXXV-CXX.)
  118. Luongo, Robert: The Gold Thread. Ezra Pound's Principles of Good Government & Sound Money. Strangers Press: London, Newport, 1995.
  119. MacLeish, Archibald: Poetry/Opinion. The Pisan Cantos of Ezra Pound. A Dialog on the Role of Poetry. Urbana: The University of Illinois Press, 1950. [UBFrankfurt/Main]*
  120. Makin, Peter: Provence and Pound. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1978. [JATE B101562]
  121. Makin, Peter: Pound's Cantos. London, Boston, Sydney: George Allen & Unwin, 1985. [x*; Dpt] (The Beginning; London: Preparation; Ur-Cantos'; Structures; Values, 1: Religion; Values 2: History; Commentary: Cantos I-XVI (A Draft of XVI Cantos); Commentary: Cantos XVII-XXX; Commentary: Cantos XXXI-XLI ( Jefferson: Nuevo Mundo'); Commentary: Cantos XLII-LI ( Siena: The Leopoldine Reforms'); Commentary: Cantos LII-LXXI: China and Adams; Commentary: The Pisan Cantos (LXXIV-LXXXIV); Commentary: Cantos LXXXV-XCV ( Section: Rock-Drill'); Commentary: Cantos XCI-CIX ( Thrones'); Commentary: Cantos CX-CXVII (Drafts & Fragments of Cantos CX-CXVII); The State of the Text; Trends in Criticism.)
  122. Mancuso, Girolamo: Pound e la Cina. Milano: Feltrinelli, 1974. [UMilan]* (Cathai; L'ideogramma cinese come mezzo di poesia; Da Li Po a Confuzio; I Canti degli imperatori di Catai, del Regno di Mezzo; Le traduzioni del canone confuziano; I Canti 85-86 e 98-99; L'antologia classica cinese; La lingua cinese come mezzo di poesia; Dall'imagismo al metodo ideogrammatico; Il metodo nei Cantos; Luce tensile immacolata; La rettificazione dei nomi; In nature are signatures; Hochang, taozers & fo‚s; La storia come paradigma; Il vento e l'erba; Il maestro.)
  123. McDonald, Gail: Learning To Be Modern. Pound, Eliot, and the American University. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993. [x*; MTA 694.399] (Sons and Students; Real Teachers in Imaginary Universities; Change and Permanence; Poets as Educators; Academic Identities.)
  124. McLuhan, Marshall: Pound Lecture [Fourth]. The Possum and the Midwife. University of Idaho, 1978. [Yale]*
  125. Meacham, Harry M.: The Caged Panther. Ezra Pound at Saint Elizabeths. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1967. [Yale]*
  126. Miyake, Akiko: Ezra Pound and the Mysteries of Love. A Plan for The Cantos. Durham, London: Duke University Press, 1991. [UBG"ttingen*; MTA 691.474] (Gabriele Rosetti's Il mistero dell' amor platonico del medio evo and Ezra Pound's Poetry: An Introduction; Pound's Earlier Attempt at Ascension; Pound's Integration of Fenollosa's Eastern Contemplation; The Lady Temple: A Defense of the Builder; Metamorphoses and Lustration in the Prefatory Cantos (1 through 7); Thye Rose Island of Ferrara and Florence in the Renaissance Cantos (20 through 24); Circe's Island and the Philosoper's Stones of Venice: Cantos 14 through 17 and 25 through 26; "Donna Mi Prega" and Ta Hio: A Secularization of Dante's Universe; The Terrestrial Paradise in Confucian Translations and "The Chinese History Cantos"; Heaven in Section: Rock-Drill and Thrones: A Conclusion.)
  127. Morrison, Paul: The Poetics of Fascism. Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Paul de Man. Oxford UP: New York, Oxford, 1996.
  128. Mullins, Eustace: This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound. New York: Fleet Publishing Corporation, 1961 [Yale]*
  129. Nadel, Ira B. The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound. Cambridge UP: Cambridge, 1999.*
  130. Nagy, Éva: Ezra Pound and Mihály Babits. A Comparative Analysis of Their Poetry. MA Thesis, JATE: MS, 1992. [Inst]
  131. Nänny, Max: Ezra Pound. Poetics for an Electric Age. Bern: A. Franck Verlag, 1973. [Schweiz]* (Preface; Introduction; ART AS EXPLORATION: Art and Artist in a Changing World: Pound and the Electric Environment; The Artist as an Antenna of the Race; Art as Anti-Environment; The Metropolis as an Anticipation of the Electric Environment; Creation as Exploration: From Literacy to Logic; Poetry as Inspired Mathematics; From Abstraction to Direct Perception; From Conceptual Imitation to Metaphorical Exploration; From the Syllogistic or Narrative Line to the Ideogramic Field; Poetry as an Auditory or Electric Field; ART AS CO-CREATION: From Consumer to Co-creator; Oral Inclusiveness against the Passive Reader; The Ideogram as an Inclusive Icon; Bibliography.)
  132. Nassar, Eugene Paul: The Cantos of Ezra Pound. The Lyric Mode. Baltimore, London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1975. [MTA˙495.112]* (Introduction; CAntos 1-16; Cantos 17-30; The Cantos of the Thirties; The Pisan Cantos; The Cantos of the Fifties.)
  133. Nicholls, Peter: Ezra Pound: Politics, Economics and Writing. A Study of The Cantos. London, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1984. [JFKI*; MTA 647.819] (The Emergence of the Economic Theme; The Quarrel with Marxism; Knowledge and Action; Pound and Fascism; A Metaphysics of the State; The Toxicology of Money'; Thinking in Essences: The Pisan Cantos': Beyond Fortune; The Inscriptions of Authority.)
  134. Nolde, John: Blossoms From The East. The China Cantos of Ezra Pound. Orono,ME: The National Poetry Foundation, 1984. [Inst]
  135. Norman, Charles: The Case of Ezra Pound. New York: The Bodley Press, 1948. [JFKI]* (Foreword; Life and Work; Association with Poetry; Pound's Economics; Pound's Broadcasts; Statements: E.E. Cummings, William Carlos Williams, Louis Zukofsky, F.O. Matthiessen, Conrad Aiken, Random House Modern Library; Sanity Hearing and Result; The Pisan Cantos.)
  136. Norman, Charles: Ezra Pound. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1960. [MTA˙254.243]* (Student and teacher; Pound in London; The poet in New York; The poet and his books; Poetry' foreign correspondent; Pound and Amy Lowell; Pound and Robert Frost; Pound and Yeats; "The Great English Vortex"; Pound and Eliot; Letters to a young poet; Farewell to London; Roots and forebears; Pound in Paris; The Exile; Pound and Yeats in Rapallo; Pound and les jeunes; Pound's Cantos and his economics; The 1939 visit; "Ezra Pound Speaking"; The trial; Pound in St. Elizabeths; The Return.)
  137. Norman, Charles: The Case of Ezra Pound. New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1968. [MTA˙467.286]* (The Man Who Hated England; The Poet; The Antithetical Self; The Monetary Reformer; The Propagandist; United States vs. Ezra Pound; Points of View; For the Defense; Morning Session: Dr. Wendell Muncie; Morning Session: Dr. Marion R. King; Morning and Afternoon: Dr. Winfred Overholser; Afternoon Session: Dr. Joseph L. Gilbert; Constitutional Questions; Dismissal of Indictment; Postscript.)
  138. North, Michael: The Political Aesthetic of Yeats, Eliot, and Pound. CUP, 1991. [Inst]
  139. Novák György: Ezra Pound magyarul (műfordítás-elemzés). MA Thesis. JATE: manuscript, 1979.*
  140. Novák György: Ezra Pound "John Adams Cantoi" (If you haven't a library..."). PhD Dissertation. JATE: manuscript, 1986.* (John Adams; A JAC születése; Pound és Adams; A JAC irodalma; A JAC és a "forrás"; A 62. canto; A 63. canto; A 64. canto; A 65. canto; A 66. canto; A 67. canto; A 68. canto; A 69. canto; A 70. canto; A 71. canto; összegzés; A c62 magyarul.)
  141. O'Connor, William Van, Edward Stone (eds): A Casebook on Ezra Pound. New York: Thomas Y. Cromwell Company, 1959. [ELTE˙13977]* (Introduction; Citation with Honorary Degree from Hamilton College; N. Weyl: The Strange Case of Ezra Pound, 1950; Treason, Time 1945.12.10.; Impounded Records, Newsweek 1946.01.07.; Pound's Mind Unsound, TNYT 1946.02.14.; Pound Foolish, Newsweek 1946.02.25.; Medical Report on Pound, 1945.12.14.; G. Dillon: A Note on the Obvious, Poetry 1946.09.; Reviews of Cantos and The Pisan Cantos, The Book Review Digest, 1948.03-1949.02.; R.L. Allen: The Cage, Esquire 1958.02.; D.P. Williams: The Background of The Pisan Cantos, Poetry 1949.01.; The Pisan Cantos Wins for Ezra Pound First Award of Bollingen in Poetry, 1949.02.20.; D. Macdonald: Homage to Twelve Judges (an editorial), Politics 1949; W. Barrett: A Prize for Ezra Pound, Partisan Review 1949.04.; W.H. Auden, R.G. Davis, C. Greenberg, I. Howe, G. Orwell, K. Shapiro, A. Tate, W. Barretr: The Question of the Pound Award, Partisan Review 1949.05.; R. West: Excerpts from a Journal: 1949, Western Review 1950; A.L. Saarinen: The State and Art, TNYT 1949.09.04.; E. Davis: Ezra Pound, Traitor and Poet, Kansas Magazine 1951; A. MacLeish: Poetry and Opinion, 1950; P. Viereck: Pure Poetry, Impure Politics, and Ezra Pound, Commentary 1951.04.; D. Rattray: Weekend with Ezra Pound, The Nation 1957.11.16.; J. LaZebnik: The Case of Ezra Pound, New Republic 1957.04.01.; Ezra Pound May Escape Trial and Be Allowed to Go to Italy, TNYT 1958.04.02.; What the Pound Case Means, The Nation 1958.04.19.; A. Lewis: U.S. Asked to End Pound Indictment, TNYT 1958.05.15.; Statement of Robert Frost; A. Lewis: Court Drops Charge Against Ezra Pound, TNYT 1958.04.19.; New Canto for a Poet, NYT 1958.04.19.; M. McGregory: Ezra Pound Still Sees Mad World Out of Step, The Washington Star 1958.04.30.; Pound to Live With Daughter, TNYT 1958.05.18.; Ezra Pound's Canto to Run in Yale Mag, New York Post 1958.11.22.; B. Deutsch: The Teacher, Yale Literary Magazine 1958.12.)
  142. Oderman, Kevin: Ezra Pound and the Erotic Medium. Durham: Duke University Press, 1986. [Yale]* (A Maple Tree in Pennsylvania; Servants of Amor: The Early Poetry; Divagation: Physiology; "Cavalcanti": That the Body Is Not Evil; The Cantos: First Assay; The Cantos: Second Assay; The Cantos: Third Assay; Concluding Informally.)
  143. Pearlman, Daniel: The Barb of Time. On the Unity of Ezra Pound's Cantos. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. [BRBelgica]* (Introduction; Inferno: Time as Disorder; Canto 1 as Microcosm; The Barb of Time; Rooms Against Chronicles; Loss of the Concrete Universe; Time is the Evil; Purgatorio: Time as Order; Attention to Times and Seasons; Man, Earth, and Stars; The Dimension of Stillness; The Dynastic Cantos; Paradiso: Time as Love; The Pisan Cantos; Conclusion; Appendix A: On the Early Cantos: From the Letters of Ezra Pound to John Quinn; Appendix B: The Source of the Seven Lakes Canto; The Chinese Poems; The Japanese Poems; The Manuscript Painting.)
  144. Perloff, Marjorie: The dance of the intellect. Studies in the poetry of the Pound tradition. Cambridge, London, New York, New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1985. [MTA˙649.645]* (Pound/Stevens: whose era?; The portrait of the artist as collage-text: Pound's Gaudier-Brzeska and the "italic" texts of John Cage; "Letter, penstroke, paperspace": Pound and Joyce as co-respondents; "To give a design": Williams and the visualization of poetry; "The shape of the lines": Oppen and the metric of difference; Between verse and prose: Beckett and the New Poetry; From image to action: the return of story in postmodern poetry; Postmodernism and the impasse of lyric; "Unimpededness and interpenetration": the poetic of John Cage; The Word as Such: L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E poetry in the eighties.)
  145. Quinn, Sister Bernetta, O.S.F.: Ezra Pound. An Introduction to the Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.* (Ezra Pound the Man; The Poet As Preceptor; Pound's Early Lyrics; Pound's Book of Changes; The Cantos: From Erebus to Pisa; The Cantos: The Perilous Ascent.)
  146. Rabat‚, Jean-Michel: Language, Sexuality and Ideology in Ezra Pound's Cantos. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1986. [BDSC]* (Introduction; Symptoms and Voices: the Articulation of the Subject; Ideogram and Ideology; Ezra Pound and Pecuchet: the Law of Quotation; The Pisan Cantos': Between Reference and Reverence; Poundwise: Towards a General Critique of Economy; From Ethics to Hermeneutics; Conclusion: the Legendary Rite Writing and Tragedy.)
  147. Rachewiltz, Mary de: Discretions.Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1971.*
  148. Rachewiltz, Mary de: A Catalogue of the Poetry Notebooks of Ezra Pound. Assisted by Diane Ross, Donald Gallup, Editor. Preliminary Edition. New Haven: Yale University Library, 1980. [UBruxellesB]*
  149. Raffel, Burton: Ezra Pound. The Prime Minister of Poetry. Hamden,CT: Archon Books, 1984. [Yale]* (Introduction; Training and Explorations: The Poetry before Ripostes; Maturity and Beyond The Poetry Collected in Personae (1926); Europe and the Orient: Pound as a Translator; A Prose Proteus: Pound as a Critic, Literary and Social; A Failed but Fascinating Epic: The Cantos; The Spreading Net: Pound's Influence and Importance.)
  150. Raffel, Burton: Possum and Ole Ez in the Public Eye. Contemporaries and Peers on T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound 1892-1972. Hamden,CT: Archon Books, 1985. [KoninklijkeB]* (Introduction; T.S. Eliot; Ezra Pound)
  151. Rainey, Lawrence S.: A poem including history. The Cantos of Ezra Pound. Introduction to an exhibition at the Beinecke Library, September-December 1989. New Haven: The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, 1989.*
  152. Rainey, Lawrence: Ezra Pound and the Monument of Culture. Text, History and the Malatesta Cantos. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press, 1991. [UBG"ttingen*; MTA 691.471] (Ezra Pound in the Temple of History: Earliest Drafts and the Rites of Quotation; Savage Crimes: (F)Acts of Transmission; Desperate Love: Isotta and the Monument of Civilization; The Chronology of the Manuscripts; Pound's Travels in Italy, 1922; The Principal Source for Canto 73.)
  153. Rainey, Lawrence S. (ed.): A Poem Containing History. Textual Studies in The Cantos. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1997. () []*
  154. Read, Forrest: '76. One World and The Cantos of Ezra Pound. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1981. [UBGöttingen*; MTA˙633.557] (Foreword; One World and '76: Bibliography and Life; Living New World History and '76; The Integrity of a Vision: External Evidence The Revolutionary Calendar; The Integrity of Vision: External Evidence Early Prose and the "Personae" Volumes; The Integrity of a Vision: Internal Arcana The "Seal" Illustrations 1925 and 1928; The Integrity of a Vision: Internal Evidence Phasal Aracana; Liberty "ONE": Nekuomanteia; Seal I-IV; Renaissance Poetic Tradition; Renaissance Revolution I-X; World revolution XVI. Cantos; A Draft of The Cantos 17-27 & A Draft of XXX Cantos; Eleven New Cantos XXXI-XLI: "Jefferson-Nuevo Mundo" & XLI Cantos; The Fifth Decad XLII-LI: "Siena-Leopoldine Reforms" & "ELEUSIS" LI Cantos; "KUNG" LII-(LXI) & LXXI Cantos; "JOH ADAMS" LII-LXXI & LXXI Cantos; On Sudden Emergency; The Pisan Cantos LXXIV-LXXXIV & LXXXIV Cantos; Section: Rock-Drill de los cantares 85-95 & Los Cantares 85-109; Thrones de los cantares 96-109, Los Cantares 85-109, & 109 Cantos; Drafts & Fragments CX-CXVII & 120 Cantos; Afterword.)
  155. Reck, Michael: Ezra Pound. A Close-Up. London: Rupert Hart-Davis Ltd, 1968. [BLLD]* (Cleansing Helicon; Crawfordsville to venice; A Yank among the Georgians; Blast and After; 70 bis rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs; Retirement in Rapallo; Rome Radio; Mr. Pound's Elizabethan Age; Saint Elizabeth's; Where the Dead Walked; An Exile in His Own Land; The Man Ezra Pound; "What Does Mr. Pound Believe?"; Farewell; Back to Italy; The meaning of Pound; A Universal American; Maintain Antisepsis; A Genius at Work; Ear for the Sea Surge; The Elusive Mr. Pound; Reading the Cantos.)
  156. Redman, Tim: Ezra Pound and Italian Fascism. Cambridge, New York, Port Chester, Melbourne, Sydney: Cambridge University Press, 1991. [UBG"ttingen*; MTA 683.713] (A.R. Orage and the Education of a Poet; C.H. Douglas and Social Credit; The Writer-Critic, 1930-1931; The Turn to Fascism; The Discovery of Gesell; The Wizard in General Practice; The Second World War; The Republic of Sal• and Left-Wing Fascism.)
  157. Rizzardi, Alfredo: Una ghirlanda per Ezra Pound. Urbino: Argalia Editore Urbino, 1981. [BUUrbino]* (A. Rizzardi: Una ghirland per Ezra Pound; C. Bo: IL turista di nome Pound; G. Contini: Ezra Pound e l'Italia; R. Stern: Ricordando il sig. Pound; H. Kenner: Stesure e frammenti e la struttura dei Cantos; G. Cambon: L'impatto maieutico di Pound su "The waste land"; S. de Rachewiltz: "Sono quel Guido che amasti"; M.A. Bernstein: Imparare dai propri padri: Ezra Pound e gli Ur-Cantos; J.J. Wilhelm: Le tre mutevoli fasi della donna d dell'oro; M. Domenichelli: Hugh Selwyn Mauberley e Le testament; p. Sanavio: Le idee sbagliate; M. de Rachewiltz: I Cantos come traduzione integrale; E. Pound: Canto XLVIII; E. Pound: Indiscrezioni o Une revue de deux mondes; C. betocchi, A. Rizzardi, M. Luzi, R. Anzilotti: Conversazione su Ezra Pound.)
  158. Russell, Peter (ed.): An Examination of Ezra Pound. A Collection of Essays. Revised and Enlarged. New York: Gordian Press, 1973 [1950]. [KoninklijkeB]*
  159. Russell, Peter: The Pound Connection in some poems, mainly uncollected or unpublished. Salzburg: University of Salzburg, 1992. [JATE˙B144024]* (P. Russell : Introduction; T.S. Eliot: Ezra Pound [1946]; E. Sitwell: Ezra Pound [1934]; A. Tate: Ezra Pound [1936]; E. Hemingway: Homage to Ezra [1925]; G. Seferis: The Cantos. A Note Appended to His Translation of Three Cantos [1939]; H. Kenner: New Subtlety of Eyes [1949]; J. Drummond: The Italian Background to The Cantos [1949] revised and corrected; C. Madge: The Ellipse in The Pisan Cantos [1949]; D.S. Carne-Ross: The Cantos As Epic [1949]; R. Duncan: Poet's Poet [1950]; M. McLuhan: Pound's Critical Prose [1949]; G.S. Fraser: Pound: Masks, Myth, Man [1950]; H. Swabey: Towards an A.B.C. of History [1949]; H.G. Porteus: Ezra Pound and His Chinese Character: A Radical Examination [1950]; M. Wykes-Joyce: Some Considerations Arising from Ezra Pound's Conception of the Bank [1949]; B. Soper: Ezra Pound: Some Notes on His Philosophy [1948]; J. Heath-Stubbs: The Last Humanist [1950]; Wyndham Lewis: Ezra Pound [1948]; p. Russell: Vingt-Cinq Ans Apres: An Editor's Personal Retrospect.)
  160. Ruthven, K.K.: A Guide to Ezra Pound's Personae (1926). Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1969.* (Introduction; Chronological List of the Poems in Personae (1926); Notes in the Poems in Personae (1926): After Chu Yuan; Alba; Altar, The; Ancient Music; Ancient Wisdom, Rather Cosmic; Ancora; And Thus In Niniveh; Apparuit; April; Arides; Au Salon; Balad of the Goodly Fere; Ballad of the Mulberry Road. The; Ballatetta; Bath Tub, The; Beautiful Toilet, The; Before Sleep; Bellaires, The; Black Slippers: Bellotti; "Blandula, Tennula, Vagula"; Cantico Del Sole; Cantus PLanus; Causa; Cino; Cloak, The; Coda; Coitus; Come My Cantilations; Coming of War: Actaeon, The; Commission; Condolence, The; Dance Figure; Dans Omnibus de Londres; De Aegypto; Dieu! Qu'il la Fait; "Dompna Pois de Me No'us Cal"; ; Dum Capitolium Scandet; Encounter, The; Epilogue; Epitaphs; Erat Hora; Exile's Letter; Eyes, The; Famam Librisque Cano; Fan-Piece, for Her Imperial Lord; Faun, The; Fish and the Shadow; Flame, The; For E. McC; Four Poems of Departure; Francesca; Fratres Minores; Further Instructions; Game of Chess, The; Garden, The; Garret, The; Gentildonna; Girl, A; Guido Invites You Thus; Gypsy, The; Heather; Her Monument, The Image Cut Thereon; Homage to Quintus Septimius Florentis Christianus; Homage to Sextus Propertius; Horae beatae Inscriptio; House of SDplendour, The; Hugh Selwyn Mauberley; Image from D'Orleans; ;; Impressions of Fran‡ois-Marie Arouet (de Voltaire); In a Station of the Metro; In Durance; In Exitum Cuiusdam; "Ione, Dead the Long Year"; It‚; Jewel Stairs' Grievance, The; Ladies; La Fraisne; Lake Isle, The; Lament of the Frontier Guard; Langue d'Oc; L'Art, 1910; Les Millwin; Liu Ch'e; Marvoil; Meditatio; mesmerism; Moeurs Contemporaines; Monumentum Aere, etc.; Mr. Housman's message; Na Audiart; near Perigord; Needle, The; new Cake of Soap, The; Night Litany; N.Y.; Object, An; Of Jacopo del Sellaio; On His Own Face in the Glass; Ortus; Our Contemporaries; Pact, A; Pagani's, November 8; Pan Is Dead; Papyrus; Paracelsus in Excelsis; Patterns, The; Phanopoeia; "Phasellus Ille"; Phyllidula; Picture, The; Piere Vidal Old; Planh for the Young English King; Plunge, The; Poem by the Bridge at Ten-Shin; Portrait d'une Femme; Post Mortem Conspectu; Praise of Ysolt; Prayer for His Lady's Life; Provincia Deserta; Quies; Rest, The; Return, The; River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter, The; River Song, The; Rome; Salutation; Salutation the Second; Salutation the Third; Salvationists; Satiemus; Seafarer, The; Seeing Eye, The; Sennin Poem by Kakuhaku; Sestina: Altaforte; Shop Girl; Silet; Simulacra; Society; Song of the Bowmen of Shu; Song of the Degrees, A; South-Folk in Cold Country; Speech for Psyche in the Golden Book of Apuleius; Spring, The; Study in Aesthetics, The; Sub Mare; Surgit Fama; Tame Cat; Tea Shop, The; Temperaments, The; Tempora; Tenzone; Three Poets, The; Threnos; To a Friend Writing on Cabaret Dancers; To Dives; To-Em-Mei's "The Unmoving Cloud"; To Formianus' Young Lady Friend; ; Tomb at Akr €aar, The; Translations and Adaptations from Heine; Tree, The; Ts'ai Chi'h; Villanelle: The Psychological Hour; Villonaud: Ballad of the Gibbet, A; Villonaud for this Yule; Virginal, A; White Stag, The; Women Before a Shop;; Appendixes: (a) Additional Poems in Personae (1949): Abu Salammamm-A Song of Empire; L'Homme Moyen Sensuel; Middle-Aged; Pierrots; To Whistler, American; ; (b) Illustrations, Epigraphs, Dedications, etc.,; (c) Additional Poems in Collected Shorter Poems (1968): Additonal Poems in Collected Shorter Poems (1968): Epilogue [2]; Immorality, An; Our Respectful Homages to M. Laurent Tailhade; Rapture, The; Reflection and Advice; Bibliography.)
  161. Sanavio, Piero: Ezra Pound. Venezia: Marsilio Editori, 1977. [Venezia]* (Introduzione; L'APPRENDISTATO DI UN POETA: Un'aria di Provenza; L'immagine giusta; BELLUM PERENNE: Salvare la parola; Un vizio borghese; ALCUNI MODI DI BELLEZZA: Il piano del tempio; L'epok‚; Forme di scrittura; (r)OLD EZŻ: Le idee sbagliate; Appendice; Bibliografia die Ezra Pound; Altre fonti citate.)
  162. Sanders, Frederick K.: John Adams Speaking. Pound's Sources for the Adams Cantos. Orono,ME: University of Maine Press, 1975. [UBFreiburg]*
  163. San Juan, E., Jr. (ed.): Critics on Ezra Pound. Coral Gables: University of Miami Press, 1972. [UBEichsätt]* (W.B. Yeats: Ezra Pound; W. Lewis: A Man in Love with the Past; W.C. Williams: Excerpts from a Critical Sketch: A Draft of XXX Cantos by Ezra Pound; A. Tate: On Ezra Pound's Cantos; R.P. Blackmur: An Adjunct to the Muses' Diadem; Y. Winters: Ezra Pound's Techniques; R. Eberhart: An Approach to the Cantos; R.B. West: Ezra Pound and Contemporary Criticism; J. Berryman: The Poetry of Ezra Pound; M. Schlauch: The Anti-Humanism of Ezra Pound; R. Langbaum: Ezra Pound's Dramatic Monologues; F. Read: The Pattern of the Pisan Cantos; E. Sitwell: A Preface to Ezra Pound; H. Kenner: The Broken Mirrors and the Mirror of memory; M.L. Rosenthal: Ezra Pound: The Poet as Hero; P.A. Olson: Pound and the Poetry of Perception; R.H. Pearce: Ezra Pound's Epic; G. Dekker: Poetic Movement and Strategy in the Cantos; N. Stock: Pound's Style and Method; D. Davie: On Thrones: Cantos 96-109; N.C. de Nagy: Ezra Pound's Poetics; H. Carruth: Vision and Style; L. Zukofsky: Ezra Pound: Ta Hio; E. San Juan,Jr.: Ezra Pound's Craftmanship. An Interpretation of Hugh Selwyn Mauberley.)
  164. Schneideau, Herbert: Ezra Pound. The Image and the Real. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1969. [MTA˙487.911]* (Imagism as Discipline: Hueffer and the Prose Tradition; Hulme vs. Fenollosa: Image and Reality; Pound and Joyce: The Universal in the Particular; Tradition, Myth, and Imagist Poetics; Tradition and Two Individual Talents: Pound and Eliot; The Puritan Motive, or Imagism as American Revolution.)
  165. Schulman, Grace (ed.): Ezra Pound. A Collection of Criticism. New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, London, Dusseldorf, Kuala Lumpur, Mexico, Mexico, Montreal, Panama, Sao Paulo, Toronto, Johannesburg, New Delhi, Singapore: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1974. [UBRegensburg]* (G. Schulman: Introduction; E. Pound: A Retrospect; E. Pound: How I Began; D. Hall: "Ezra Pound": An Interview; M. Moore: Teach, Stir the Mind, Afford Enjoyment; H. Kenner: The Muse in Tatters; S.B. Quinn: The Poet as Preceptor; T.S. Eliot: Introduction to The Selected Poems of Ezra Pound; T. Jackson: Research and the Uses of London; H. Kenner: Mauberley; D. Davie: The Pisan Cantos; M.L. Rosenthal: The Cantos; R. Pevear: Notes on the Cantos of Ezra Pound; D. Pearlman: Canto I as Microcosm.)
  166. Schwartz, Sanford: The Matrix of Modernism. Pound, Eliot, and Early Twentieth-Century Thought. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. [JATE˙B124034*; MTA 654.767] (Introduction; "This Invented Worls": Abstraction and Experience at the Turn of the Century: Knowledge as Representation; Bergson, James, Bradley, and Nietzsche; Elements of the New Poetics: Bergson, Hulme, and the Image; Personality, Impersonality, and the Poetry of Experience; Metaphor, Metaphysics, and the Language of Poetry; Representation, Abstraction, and the Issue of Formalism; Ezra Pound: Cultural memory and the Visionary Imagination: Fragments into Unity; The Rites of Remembrance; Incarnate Words: Eliot's Early Career: From Philosopher to Critic; Eliot's Observer/Agents: Self and Other as "Half-Objects"; The New Criticism and Beyond.)
  167. Seelye, Catherine (ed.): Charles Olson & Ezra Pound. An Encounter at St. Elizabeths by Charles Olson. New York: Grossman, 1975. [x*; MTA686.506] (Introduction; A Lustrum for You, E.P.; Your Witness; Fragments; This Is Yeats Speaking; Cantos; GrandPa, GoodBye; Appendix: Olson's Notes on Pound.)
  168. Shioji, Ursula: Ezra Pound's Pisan Cantos and the Noh. Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, 1998.
  169. Simpson, Louis: Threee on the Tower. The Lives and Works of Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot and William Carlos Williams. New York: William Morrow & Company, 1975. [SzEK?]* (Ezra Pound, or Art: 1908; Portrait of a Man with a Blue Earring; Gathering the Limbs of Osiris; Il Migglior Fabbro; Into the Vortex; His True Penelope; Cloud's processional; T.S. Eliot, or Religion: The Author of Prufrock; "The horror! the horror!"; Mug's Game; Margate Sands; Dreamcrossed Twilight; Prayers to Broken Stone; Sitting Still; William Carlos Williams, or Experience: Mr. and Mrs. Williams; The Sensible Choice; A Proposal of Marriage; Modernity; Words and Their Intervals; River of Experience; Symbolic Lives; Afterword; )
  170. Smith, Marcel & William A. Ulmer (eds.): Ezra Pound. The Legacy of Culture. Tuscaloosa, London: The University of Alabama Press, 1988.* [Dpt; MTA 675.122] (M. Smith: Introduction; H. Kenner: Simplicities; A. Kazin: Homer to Mussolini: The Fascination and Terror of Ezra Pound; H. Zinnes: Nature and Design: "Burying Euclid Deep in the Living Fles"; J. Laughlin: Pound's Economics; Yao-hsin, Chang: Pound's cantos and Confucianism; J.J. Wilhelm: Pound and the Troubadours: medieval and Modern Rebels; L. Fiedler: Pound as Parodist; M. North: Where memory Faileth: Forgetfulness and a Poem Including History.)
  171. Smith, Paul: Pound Revised. London, Canberra: Croom Helm, 1983. [BLLD]* (Introduction: Early Pound; Communication and Representation; Towards Veracity; The Sacred American Edict; Joyce: One Bedazzled Eye; Wounded Woman: H.D.'s Post-Imagist Writing; Z-sited: Zukofsky's A'.)
  172. Soldofsky, Alan, Victor de Mattei (consulting eds): San Jose Studies XII/3 (Fall, 1986). Ezra Pound Centenary Issue. (J. Laughlin: Ez Az Wuz; F. Moramarco: Italy and Ezra Pound's Politics; J.E.B. Breslin: Ezra Pound and the Jews; W. McCraw: Fascist of the Last Hour; L. Surette: Economics and Eleusis; P.D. Scott: Anger and Poetic Politics in Rock-Drill; R. Casillo: Ezra Pound and Hermes; A. Williamson: Mythic and Archetypal Methods: a Reading of Canto IV; M. Olcott: Metre and Translation in Pound's Women of Trachis; C. Grundberg: Ezra Pound and Trobar Clus.)
  173. Stock, Noel: Poet in Exile: Ezra Pound. Manchester, New York, 1964. [JATE]
  174. Stock, Noel: Reading the Cantos. The Study of Meaning in Ezra Pound. New York: Pantheon Books, 1966. [Yale]* (Introduction; A Draft of XXX Cantos 1917-1930; Nuevo Mundo 1934; The Fifth Decad 1937; China and Adams 1940; The Pisan Cantos 1948; Rock-Drill 1955; Thrones 1959.)
  175. Stock, Noel: The Life of Ezra Pound. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1974 [1970].* [JATE A112965] (Childhood, 1885/1901; University, 1901/1907; From Crawfordsville to Venice, 1907/1908; London, 1908/1909; The Spirit of Romance, 1909/1910; Return to America, 1910/1911; Paris, Italy, Germany, 1911; Hulme and Orage, 1911/1912; Imagism, 1912/1914; Ernest Fenollosa, 1913/1915; Joyce and Eliot, 1915/1917; The Little Review, 1917/1918; Major C.H. Douglas, 1918/1921; Paris, 1921/1924; Rapallo, 1924/1929; The Cantos, 1930/1934; Music, 1933/1936; Politics and Economics, 1937/1939; The War Years, 1939/1943; Out of the Ruins, 1943/1945; St Elizabeths Hospital, 1945/1958; Return to Italy, 1958/1972.)
  176. Stock, Noel: Ezra Pound's Pennsylvania. Compiled for the most part from Mr. Carl Gatter's researches into original sources and documents. Toledo,OH: The Friends of the University of Toledo Libraries, 1976. [BLLD]*
  177. Sullivan, J.P.: Ezra Pound. A Critical Anthology. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books Ltd., 1970.* (Preface; Table of Dates; Part One Early Criticism, to 1945: Introduction; E. Pound: from a letter to William Carlos Williams (1908); ; E. Thomas: from Two Poems', a review of Personae of Ezra Pound (1909); ; E. Pound: from The Spirit of Romance (1910); F.S. Flint and E. Pound: from Imagisme' (1913); ; E. Pound: from The Serious Artist' (1913); E. Pound: from Vorticism' (1914); E. Pound: from a letter to Harriet Monroe (1915); E. Pound: from a letter to Harriet Monroe (1915); E. Pound: from a letter to Iris Barry (1916); E. Pound: from a letter to Iris Barry (1916); E. Pound: from a letter to Iris Barry (1916); E. Pound: from a letter to Iris Barry (1916); E. Pound: from a letter to Iris Barry (1916); E. Pound: A Truce' (1916); T.S. Eliot: from Ezra Pound: His Metric and Poetry (1917); E. Pound: from T.S. Eliot' (1917); E. Pound: from Elizabethan Classics' (1917-18); E. Pound: from Vers libre and Arnold Dolmetsch' (1917); E. Pound: from A Retrospect' (1918); E. Pound: from a letter to Harriet Monroe (1918); E. Pound: from Early Translators of Homer' (1919); E. Pound: from a letter to A.R. Orage (1919); E. Pound: from a letter to Felix E. Schelling (1922); E. Pound: from a letter to Homer L. Pound (1927); E. Pound: from Dr Williams' Position' (1928); E. Pound: Letter to Ren‚ Taupin (1928); E. Pound: from Mediaevalism and Mediaevalism (Guido Cavalcanti) (1928); W.B. Yeats: from A Packet for Ezra Pound (1928); T.S. Eliot: from his Introduction to Ezra Pound: Selected Poems (1928); E. Pound: from How to Read, or Why' (1929); L. Zukofsky: from Ezra Pound'; L. Zukofsky: from American Poetry 1920-1930' (1930); E. Pound: Letter to the Editor of the English Journal (1931); E. Pound: from Shorter Pieeces and Extracts from Uncollected Essays' (1931); W.C. Williams: Excerpts from a Critical Sketch: A Draft of Thirty Cantos by Ezra Pound' (1931); E. Pound: from a letter to John Drummond; F.R. Leavis: from New Bearings in English Poetry (1932); F.R. Leavis: from retrospect' (1950); R. Bottrall: XXX Cantos of Ezra Pound: An Incursion into Poetics' (1933); R.P. Blackmur: Masks of Ezra Pound' (1934); E. Pound: from a letter to Sarah Perkins Cope (1934); E. Pound: from Hell' (1934); E. Pound: from The Teacher's Mission' (1934); E. Pound: from Date Line' (1934); E. Pound: from ABC of Reading (1934); T.S. Eliot: from After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy (1934); E. Pound: from We have had no battles, but we have all joined in and made roads' (1935); W.B. Yeats: from his introduction to The Oxford Book of Modern Verse (1936); E. Pound: from a letter to John Lackay Browm (1937); Yvor Winters: from Primitivism and Decadence: A Study of American Experimental Poetry (1937); E. Pound: from Guide to Kulchur (1938); E. Pound: from a letter to Hubert Creekmore (1939); E. Pound: from a letter to George Santayana (1940); E. Pound: from a letter to Katue Kitasono (1940); E. Pound: from A Visiting Card (1942); Yvor Winters: from The Anatomy of Nonsense (1943); E. Pound: from An Introduction to the Economic Nature of the United States' (1944); Part Two Later Criticism, after 1945: D.S. Carne-Ross: from Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays (1950); W. Lewis: from Ezra Pound: A Collection of Essays (1950); F.R. Leavis: Pound in his Letters' (1951); R. Graves: from These Be Your Gods' (1954-5); D.W. Evans: from Ezra Pound as Prison Poet' (1957); E. MIner: from Ezra Pound', The Japanese Tradition in British and American Poetry (1958); C. Emery: from Ideas Into Action: A Study of Pound's Cantos (1958); G.P. Elliott: Poet of Many Voices' (1961); E. Pound: from an interview with D.G. Bridson (1961); E. Pound: from an interview with Donald Hall (1962); H.A. Mason: The Women of Trachis and Creative Translation' (1963); G. Degger: from Sailing After Knowledge: The Cantos of Ezra Pound (1963); D. Davie: from Ezra Pound: The Poet as Sculptor (1964); A.L. French: "Olympian Apathein": Pound/s Hugh Selwyn Mauberley and Modern Poetry' (1965); N. Stock: from Reading the Cantos: The Staudy of Meaning in Ezra Pound (1965); E. Pound Foreword to Selected Cantos of Ezra Pound (1967); D.S. Carne-Ross: from New Metres for Old: A Note on Pound's Metric' (1967); E. Homberger: from Ezra Pound and Ostriches' (1967); M. Reck: from A Conversation between Ezra Pound and Allen Ginsberg' (1968); H. Kenner: The Muse in Tatters' (1968); D. Cory: from Ezra Pound: A Memoir' (1968); D. Davie: Ezra Pound in Pisa (1969); Select Bibliography.)
  178. Surette, Leon: A Light from Eleusis. A Study of Ezra Pound's Cantos. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1979. [MTA˙607.464]* (That Great Forty-Year Epic'; Three Cantos', 1917; The Example of Ulysses and The Waste Land; Outline of the Main Scheme'; Love and War; The Poetry of Inference; The 1919 Cantos and Agamemnon; Troy in Auvergnat'; A Light from Eleusis; The Stone Place'; Discuss This in Bed Said the Lady'; Amor and Usura; Cavalcanti's Donna mi Prega'; Pound, Douglas, and J.M. Keynes; An Epic Includes History; The Process Now Going On'; The City in the Mind Indestructible'; Paideuma: The Tangle or Complex of Inrooted Ideas of any Period'; America, Italy, and China; Out of Which Things Seeking an Exit'; China; Adams; Pisa; As a Lone Ant from a Broken Ant-Hill; The City of Dioce'; Not the Priest, but the Victim'; Le Paradis n'est pas Artificiel'; Connubium Terrae'; The Later Cantos; The Earthly Paradise; Paradiso; Conclusions.)
  179. Sutton, Walter: Ezra Pound. A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs,NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.* [MTA 651.790] (W. Sutton: Introduction; W.B. Yeats: Ezra Pound; W.C. Williams: Excerpts from a Critical Sketch: A Draft of XXX Cantos by Ezra Pound; T.S. Eliot: Ezra Pound; E.R. Leavis: Ezra Pound; H. Kenner: Mauberley; M.L. Rosenthal: The Cantos; F. Read: A Man of No Fortune; D.W. Evans: Ezra Pound As Prison Poet; W.M. Frohock: The Revolt of Ezra Pound; H.H. Watts: Reckoning; E. Miner: Pound, Haiku, and the Image; M. Schafer: Ezra Pound and Music; J.P. Sullivan: Pound's Homage to Propertius: The Structure of a Mask; G.P. Elliott: Poet of Many Voices; R.H. Pearce: Pound, Whitman, and the American Epic.)
  180. Taylor, Richard: Variorum Edition of Three Cantos' by Ezra Pound. A Prototype. Bayreuth: Boomerang Press-Norbert Aas, 1991.* (Introduction; Annals; Text Collated: Periodical Publications; Published Volumes; Variant Readings: Ur I/Canto I; Ur II/Canto II; Ur III/Canto III.)
  181. Taylor, Richard and Claus Melchior (eds.): Ezra Pound and Europe. Amsterdam-Atlanta,GA: Rodopi, 1993. [Cambridge Univ.Library]* (Preface; General Impressions: Mary de Rachewiltz: Ezra Pound's Library: What remains; Ira B. Nadel: "Nothing but nomad": Ezra Pound in Europe; Traditional Affiliations: Helen M. Dennis: Is Wyatt to Petrarch as Ezra Pound to Arnaut Daniel?; Leon Surette: Cavalcanti & Pound's Arcanum; G. Schmidt: "Rome. From the French Joachim du Bellay": A European Perspective; Contemporary Connections: Richard Caddell: Acknowledged Land: A Biography of "They Say Etna" and a Debate between Bunting and Pound; A.D. Moody: Bel Esprit and the Malatesta Cantos: A Post-Waste Land Conjunction of Pound and Eliot; Demetres Tryphonopoulos: Ezra Pound and Olivia Rosetti Agresti: Their Correspondence; Anne Conover: Ezra Pound and the Crosby Continental Editions; John Solt: The Hooking of Distant Antennae: Ez Po & Kit-Kat; Ernesto Livorni: Ezra Pound and Giuseppe Ungaretti: Between Haiku and Futurism; Constructing Continuities:Mohammad Shaheen: Pound's Revolution: A Renaissance of Activity; Archie Henderson: Pound, Sweden, and the Nobel Prize: An Introduction; Peter Nicholls: Lost Object(s): Ezra Pound and the Idea of Italy; John Xiros Cooper: Music as Symbol and Structure in Pound's Pisan Cantos and Eliot's Four Quartets; Helen V. Emmitt: "Make strong old dreams": Ezra Pound and European Aestheticism; Specific Texts: Tony Lopez: Sequential meaning in Ezra Pound's Cathay; Massimo Mandolini Pesaresi: Pound's Admirable Presenza in the Italian Language: Cantos LXXII and LXXIII; Ronald Bush: "Unstill, ever turning": The Composition of Ezra Pound's Drafts & Fragments.)
  182. Teele, Roy E. (ed.): Ezra Pound. An Exhibition held in March 1967 The Academic Center and Undergraduate Library, the University of Texas. Austin: Humanities Research Center, The University of Texas, 1967.*
  183. Terrel, Carroll F.: A Companion to the Cantos of Ezra Pound. [Volume I (Cantos 74-117)]. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1980. [MTA˙621.813]*
  184. Terrel, Carroll F.: A Companion to the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Volume II (Cantos 74-117). Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press, 1984. [MTA˙621.813]*
  185. Terrell, Carroll F.: A Companion to the Cantos of Ezra Pound. Berkeley, Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1993.* (Preface; Abbreviations; Cantos 1-16; Cantos 17-30; XI New Cantos; Leopoldine Cantos; The China Cantos; The Adams Cantos; The Pisan Cantos; Rock-Drill Cantos; Thrones; The Coke Cantos; Drafts and Fragments; Bibliography; Index to the Cantos; Foreign Words and Phrases in Roman; Words and Phrases in Greek; Chinese Characters.)
  186. Thomas, Ron: The Latin Masks of Ezra Pound. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1977. [Yale]* (Introduction; Virgil as Antimask; Catullus as Lyric Mask; Propertius as Dramatic Mask; Ovid as Epic Mask; Horace as Demimask; Conclusion.)
  187. Torrey, E. Fuller: The Roots of Treason. Ezra Pound and the Secret of St. Elizabeths. New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Hamburg, Mexico, Toronto: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984. [Yale*; MTA 641.840] (The Gorilla Cage (Pisa: 1945); Baptism in a Lily Pond (Philadelphia: 1885-1907); Mixed Reviews (London: 1908-1920); A Pound of Flesh (Paris: 1921-1924); Fatherhood and Fascism (Rapallo: 1925-1939); Treason (Rome and Salo: 1939-1945); The Non-Trial (Washington: 1945-1946); Asylum (St. Elizabeths Hospital: 1946-1958); After the Fall (1958-1972); Coda.)
  188. Tytell, John: Ezra Pound. The Solitary Volcano. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland: Anchor Press, 1988 [1987].* (Introduction: The Tragic Fracture; An American Youth; London: Art for Its Own Sake; Paris: The Heresy of Art; Rapallo: The Politics of Art; Washington: The Bedlam of Art; The Silent Years.)
  189. Veza, Laurette: Ezra Pound. Paris: Éditions Seghers, 1973.* (Le fils-Ulysse; L'Univers-cité; Londres, Paris, Rapallo et la res publica; Theories et Théoremes; Les Cantos ou les Métamorphoses; Confucius ou le malentendu; Sincérité; Choix de Poemes: Dans une station de métro; Albatre; Liu Ch'e; Dans un omnibus de Londres; Portrait d'une femme; Venez o mes cantilenes; Mauberley (1920); Ode pour l'élection de son sépulchre; Cantos 1; 12; 45; 79; 81.) [See also @ Other languages.]
  190. Whittier-Ferguson, John: Framing Pieces. Designs of the Gloss in Joyce, Woolf, and Pound. Oxford UP: New York, Oxford, 1996.
  191. Wilhelm, James J.: Dante and Pound. The Epic of Judgement. Orono,ME: University of Maine Press, 1974. [UBGöttingen]* (The Rhythms of Two Lives; Lyric Youth: Precision and Personea; The Quest for Aim; Cavalcanti as Mentor; Cavalcanti as Mask; The Middle Phase: Monarchy and Money; Two Views of Hell: The Infernal and the Ephemeral; Pound's Two Purgatories: The Fictive and the Real; Two Heavens of Light and Love: The Visions of Old Age; On Judging the Judges; Some Dante Allusions Not Mentioned in the Text; Notes; Select Bibliography; Index of Names and Ideas; Index of Allusions to Dante's Comedy; Index of Allusions to Pound's Cantos.)
  192. Wilhelm, James J.: The Later Poetry of Ezra Pound. New York: Walker and Company, 1977. [UBFrankfurt/Main]* (The Man in the Later Cantos; The Central Ideogram of the Cantos; The Three Changing Phases of Woman and Gold; The Troubadours as Guides to Poetry and Paradise; Dante as a Cohering Voice in the Later Cantos; The Battle against the Unholy Marriage of Banking and Politics; Canto 90 as Incantation: The Poet as Priest of Nature; Under the Larches with Apollonius: The Message of a Lost Messiah; The Deacon and His Lombards: From Barbarism to Civilization; Byzantium: The Sacred Symbol of Yeats, the Well-run Metropolis of Pound; What Confucius Told K'ang Hsi to Tell the Modern World; Napoleon: The Lesson of Meaningless Revolution; In Praise of Anselm and a Vital Christian Humanism; Those Haunting Shards, the Final Fragments.)
  193. Wilhelm, James J.: The Cult of the Difficult in Daniel, Dante, and Pound. Orono,ME: National Poetry Foundation, 1982. [Stuttgart]* (Introduction; Arnaut Daniel: The Master of Rhetorical and Social Hermeticism; Dante and the Hermeneutics of the Unknown; Ezra Pound and the Dilemma of the Knowable; Appendix A: Literal Translations of Selected Poems of Arnaut Daniel; Appendix B: Brief Critiques of Pound's Translations of Arnaut Daniel.)
  194. Wilhelm, J.J.: The American Roots of Ezra Pound. New York, London: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1985. [BLLD]* (Wilhelm Roots: The Wilds of Idaho and the Legend of Thaddeus Coleman Pound; The Warm Little World of Uncle Ezra Weston; Ma Weston's Children's Hour: The Wadsworths and All That; Growing Up Around Philadelphia; Aunt Frank and the World at Large; Penn and the Apparition of a Dryad; Enter "Bill" Williams Rival and Friend; Hamilton and the Evolution of a Dream; Penn again and Europe; A Troubled Winter, an Idyllic Summer: Aunt Frank and Mary Moore; The Crawfordsville Incident; Eastward Ho! Venice and A Lume Spento; Coda: Hails and Farewells: 1911... 1939... 1958.)
  195. Wilhelm J.J.: Ezra Pound in London and Paris 1905-1925. University Park and London: The Pennsylvania State University Pressm 1990. [MTA 683.759]* (Preface, Ackowledgements, A Chronology of Pound's early life, List of Abbreviations; I. THE CONQUEST OF LONDON 1. The World of Elkin Mathews (August 1908-January 1909); 2. The Triumphs of 1909: The Shakespears and Ford (January-April 1909); 3. A Time of Exultations: Hulme and Yeats (April-October 1909); 4. Romance, Medieval and Modern: Bride and Dorothy (October 1909-June 1910); 5. The Briewf Return of 1910 (June 1910-February 1911); 6. From Rummel in Paris to Ford in Giessen (February-August 1911); 7. The Road to Imagism: Some Editors (August 1911-February 1912); 8. "The Aldingtons" and Miss Monroe (February-December 1912); 9. More Potential Imagists: Frost, Fletcher, Lowell (January-August 1913); 10. Art and the Orient: Gaudier-Brzeska and Fenollosa (August 1913-January 1914); 11. Towards Amy's Ism and Wyndham's Blasts (January-August 1914); II. WAR, DISILLUSION, AND DEPARTURE 12. The Delights of Mr. Eliot/The Horrors of War (September 1914-June 1915); 13. The Quest for the Cantos (July 1915-December 1916); 14. The Little Review and La Belle Iseult (1917); 15. Peace and Major Douglas (1918); 16. Propertius and the Roads of France (1919); 17. Mauberley (and Pound) Say Goodbye (1920); III. THE PARIS INTERLUDE 18. The Constellations of Paris; 19. A Paris Diary; 20. "The Fortieth Year of My Life…" (1925); Bibliography; General Index; Index of References to the Cantos.)
  196. Wilhelm, J.J.: Ezra Pound The Tragic Years 1925-1972. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994. [Cambridge Univ.Library]* (Preface and Acknowledgments; A Chronology of Pound's Earlier Life; List of Abbreviations; 1 Rapallo: A Taste of Paradise (1925-1926); 2 A Magazine and Guests (1927-1928); 3 A Crash and Thirty Cantos (1929-1930); 4 Social Credit and Cavalcanti (1931-1932); 5 Mussolini and/or Roosevelt (1933); 6 Two ABCs and Eleven Cantos: 31-41 (1934); 7 Abyssinia, Spain Falling/Vivaldi Rising (1935-1936); 8 Interlude: Cantos 42-51 (1937); 9 Kulchur and the Road Toward Home (1938); 10 Washington and War (1939); 11 The Last Lull: Cantos 52-71 (1940); 12 The Road to Rome and Ruin (1941-1944); 13 The Hell of Pisa: Cantos 74-84 (1945); 14 St. Elizabeths Was For Penance (1946-1949); 15 The Ezuversity Resumes (1950-1954); 16 From Rock Drill (Cantos 85-95) to Deliverance (1955-1958); 17 Thrones (Cantos 96-109) and the Return to Italy (1958-1959); 18 The Return to Olga (1960-1962); 19 Silence and Fragments: Cantos 110-117 (1963-1969); 20 Death in Venice (1970-1972); 21 And Whither Tending?; Bibliography; Chronology of Pound's Major Books, 1925-1972; General Index; Index of References to Cantos.)
  197. Woodward, Anthony: Ezra Pound and The Pisan Cantos. London, Boston, Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980. [BLLD]* (Introduction; General Considerations; The Heroic Paradigm; The Waters of Memory; Rituals of the Self: Cantos 81, 82 and 83; Canto 84 and Conclusion.)
  198. Woodward, Kathleen: At last, The Real Distinguished Thing. The Late Poems of Eliot, Pound, Stevens, and Williams. Ohio State University Press, 1980.* [MTA 642.724] (Introduction; T.S. Eliot and The Four Quartets: The Still Point, Aging, and the Social Bond; Ezra Pound and The Pisan Cantos: The Teachings of Confucius, the Teachings of Ezra Pound; Wallace Stevens and The Rock: Not Ideas about Nobility but the Thing Itself; William Carlos Williams and Paterson V: Tradition and the Individual Talent; Epilogue: The Sense of an Ending.)
  199. Wright, George T.: The Poet in the Poem. The Personae of Eliot, Yeats, and Pound. New York: Gordian Press, 1974. [UBLeuven]* (The Faces of the Poet; Eliot: The Transformation of a Personality; Yeats: The Tradition of Myself; Pound: The God Inside; Conclusion.)
  200. Xie, Ming: Ezra Pound and the Appropriation of Chinese Poetry. Cathay, Translation, and Imagism. Garland Publishing Inc.: New York and London, 1999.
  201. Zapponi, Niccol : L'Italia di Ezra Pound. Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 1976. [UBBayreuth]* (Premessa; Dagli ideogrammi al fascismo; Dialoghi e scontri con la cultura italiana; I giudizi della critica italiana.)
  202. Zorzi, Rosella Mamoli (ed.): Ezra Pound a Venezia. A cura di Rosella Mamoli Zorzi. Firenze: Leo S. Olschki Editore, 1985. [BMVenezia]* (S. Perosa: Ezra Pound: per una visione d'assieme (maschere, epica della storia e dell'Io; A.W. Litz: Pound in Venice, 1913; M. de Rachewiltz: I livelli di Venezia; M.L Ardizzonne: Per una lettura dei (r)Cantos LXXII-LXXIIIŻ; G. Gramigna: (r)Questi volt fra la follaŻ: la doppia iscrizione in Pound; V. Scheiwiller: (r)A Lume spentoŻ: 1908-1958; G. Manera: Il rapporto Pound-Venezia; N. d'Agostino: Dante: un modello impossibile; G. Carboni: I Canti dell'usura e la V Decade: ipotesi sulla forma dei (r)CantosŻ; M. Battilana: Primi Canti e Frammenti finali: il cerchio che non chiude; W. Kaempfer: L'onnipresenza del tempo nei (r)CantosŻ di Ezra Pounda; A. Rizzardi: Osservazioni sulla tipologia delle immagini nei (r)Pisan CantosŻ; R.M. Zorzi: Il rapporto di Pound con le arti visive a Venezia; M. Alexander: Images of Venice in the poetry of Ezra Pound; M. Bacigalupo: Liguria contro Venezia: due modelli nella poesia di Pound; D. O'Grady: Ezra Pound and creative translation; L. Lanciotti: L'utopia cinese di Pound; D. Anderson: Pound alla ricerca di una lingua per Cavalcanti; G. Santomaso: Il rapporto del pittore col poeta; B. Tarozzi: Ezra Pound e A.E. Housman; M. Paganini: Ezra Pound: episteme nel Novecento e acculturazione selvaggia; A. Lombardo: Pound e il sogno dell'artista americano.)