Phone: +36 30 158 2410 (mobile)
Phone: +36 62 54 4273 (Department's Secretary)
b 1964
Habilitation, 2011
Candidate of Physical Sciences (PhD), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1995
(Title of thesis: "Forming of the Shape of Ultrashort Laser Pulses")
MSc in Physics, JATE University, Szeged, 1990
Position held at ELI-Attosecond Light Pulse Sourse Facility (
Research Technology Director: 2013-2019
Head of Laser Division: 2013-2019
Leader of the Scientific Group: 2011-2013
Position held at Extreme Light Infrastructure
Project Manager, 2008-2011
Position held at Department of Optics & Quantum Electronics,
University of Szeged,Szeged
Acting Head of Department: 2011-2013
Deputy Head of Department (general), 2003-2010
Deputy Head of Department (finance), 2001-2002
Leader of the TeWaTi Research Group, 1998-
Deputy Head of Department (general), 1997-2001
Associate professor 1996-
Assistant Lecturer 1993-1996
National Laser-Initiated Transmutation Laboratory
A National Laboratory devoted to design and implement a laser-based neutron source for societal applications as well as towards transmutation of spent nuclear fuel.
TeWaTi Laser and Research Group
A home-designed, -developed and -made femtosecond TW-class laser system, with dual arms. Short pulse arm: ~1mJ, <9fs. TW arm: >35mJ, <25fs.
Development of high repetition rate target systems
Tape targets. Liquid targets as microjets, microjets-generated liquid leafs; flow-dynamical leafs.
Laser acceleration of ions and neutron generation
Proton and deuteron acceleration with few cycle laser pulses. Ultrathin foil targets as well as liquid targets. Neutron generation in pitcher-catcher scheme. Diagnostics of ion beams. Applicaton of the laser-generated particles in radiobiology and home-land security.
Generation of X-rays with lasers for CT imaging of industrial objects
Ultrafast spectroscopy
Nonlinear refractive indeces. Multiple-photon absorption and nonlinear
refraction of optical materials and organic dyes. Time-resolved investigation of laser-matter interactions (gas break down, etc.)
Nonlinear Optics
Sum- and difference frequency generation, optical parametric amplification
in UV and NIR, optical damage in materials.
Shaping and Propagation of Laser Pulses
Measurement of group velocity & group velocity dispersion in optical
materials, dielectric laser mirrors. Pulse compressors (prismatic and grating), pulse shapers (thermal prism pair, thermal slab, acousto-optical
Diagnostics of Laser Pulses
Temporal-, phase- and spectral characterisation of femtosecond laser pulses
(theoretically and experimentally): auto- and cross correlators, phase sensitive, in high dynamic range (1010 ), for large beam
diameters (10 cm). Interferometric techniques for (i) phase and amplitude measurements; (ii) determination of angular dispersion; (iii) Measuement of carrier envelope phase shift (CEP).
2000-2003: "Széchenyi" Professorship of the Ministry of Education of Hungary
1998-1999 & 2004-2005: "Bolyai János" Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1996-1998: "Magyary Zoltán" Postdoctoral Scholarship of the Ministry of Education of Hungary
1989-1990: Scholarship of the Hungarian Republic for Graduates
Golden Chalk Award of the Student Council of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szeged, Hungary (2002)
Master Professor Awardof the Council of National Scientific Students’ Associations, Hungary, (1999)
Physics Award of the Section of Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences , (1997)
Pro Scientia Gold Medalof the Council of National Scientific Students’ Associations, Hungary (1991)
Member of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS), (2003-)
Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA), (1998-)
Member of the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), (1994-)
Founder Member of the Society of Pro Scientia Medallists, Hungary (1992-)
Member of the Roland Eötvös Physical Society (ELFT), Hungary, (1987-)