Academy Doctor of the Hungarian Academy Sciences, 2010
Ph.D. in Chemistry, West Virginia University, 1994 (advisor: Prof. Kenneth Showalter)
Title of dissertation: "Chemical waves: The effects of geometrical constraints"
Chemistry M.Sc., József Attila University, 1990 (advisors: Dr. Tamás Körtvélyesi and Dr. László Seres)
Employment and positions
Full Professor, USZ Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, 2014-
Head of Doctoral School of Chemistry, USZ, 2018-
Head of Department of Physical Chemistry and Materials Science, 2013-
Associate Professor, USZ, Department of Physical Chemistry, 2004-2014
Assistant Professor, USZ, Department of Physical Chemistry, 2000-04
Assistant Lecturer, JATE, Department of Physical Chemistry, 1996-1999
Research Associate, JATE, Department of Physical Chemistry, 1995-1996
Teaching/Research Assistant, West Virginia University, Department of Chemistry, 1990-94
University of Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Golden chalk prize, 2022
University of Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Golden chalk prize, 2016
University of Szeged, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, Golden chalk prize, 2011
Bolyai János Research Scholarship, 2001-03
Mihály Polányi Award for junior scientists, HAS, 1999
Matsumae scholarship, Prof. Kenichi Yoshikawa, Kyoto University, Dept. of Physics, 1998-1999
Outstanding graduate student, WVU Department of Chemistry, 1993
Trotter Scholarship, WVU, 1992
Outstanding teaching assistant, WVU Department of Chemistry, 1991, 1992, 1994
XIX. National Scientific Research Conference, I. prize, 1988