Office Address
Department of Organic Chemistry
University of Szeged
Dóm tér 8, 6720 Szeged, Hungary
Telephone: 36 62 544207
FAX: 36 62 544200
Chemistry, MSc., József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary (1985)
PhD., József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary (1988)
CSc., Candidate of Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1996)
DSc., Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (2012)
Work experience
Doctoral fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1985-88)
Department of Organic Chemistry, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary
Postdoctoral fellow (1988-1989)
Institut des Recherches sur la Catalyse, Villeurbanne, France (Prof. A. Renouprez)
Postdoctoral fellow (1989-1990)
Department of Organic Chemistry, School of Chemistry,
University of Bristol, Bristol, U. K. (Dr. T. V. Lee)
Postdoctoral fellow (1990)
Department of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, U. K. (Prof. J. Clamp).
Research assistant (1992-1994)
Assistant Professor (1994-2002)
Associate Professor (2002)
Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary
Visiting reseacher (2004)
Department of Technical Chemistry, Technical University, Berlin, Germany (Prof. R. Schomaecker)
Fritz Haber Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem, Germany
(Prof. R. Schloegl)
Teaching experience
Organic Chemistry, lecture
Organometallic Chemistry, lecture
Stereochemistry and Catalysis, lecture (in English)
Organic Chemistry, laboratory practical
Organic Chemistry, laboratory practical (in English)
Audiovisual laboratory practicals (in English)
English: fluent
French: fluent
German: fluent
Russian: written, read
Villeurbanne (Lyon), France, 6 months, 1988-89
Bristol, England, 24 months, 1989-91
Berlin, Germany, 16 months (German course in the Goethe Institute, finished by the ZMP exam), 1996
Berlin, Germany, 10 months, 2003-2004
Investigation of the structure and the catalytic activity of Cu-, Ni- and Pt-graphite intercalation compounds (graphimets) in hydrogenation and isomerization reactions. Methods: H2 chemisorption, XPS, TEM, DSC. Pulse and flow reactor systems. Study of the support effect on the catalytic activity. Synthesis and characterization of graphite supported metal catalysts. (publications)
Structural investigation of pristine and thermally treated Pt-, Pd- and
Rh-graphimets by H2 titration, XPS, TEM, SAXS and sorption
microcalorimetry measurements. Determination of their active site distribution
by 1-butene titration. Catalytic test reactions in a static recirculation
reactor. Microcalorimetric study of beta-hydride formation on Pd-graphite systems.
Catalytic investigation of quasi-two-dimensional Pd nanoparticles encapsulated in graphite for gas-phase alkene hydrogenations. (publications)
Preparation and characterization of transition metal nanoparticles in clay minerals. Methods: XRD, TEM, SAXS, ICP-AES, H2 chemisorption. Synthesis of surfactant-stabilized Pd nanoparticles in montmorillonite. Catalytic test reactions: liquid-phase hydrogenations of terminal and internal alkynes. Investigation of clay-intercalated Pd nanoparticles of controlled size, study of the active sites and the effect of beta-hydride formation on the catalytic activity and selectivity. Preparation, characterization and catalytic application of low-loaded Pd-hydrotalcites in liquid-phase alkyne hydrogenations, study of the solvent effect. Microcalorimetric investigation of cationic surfactants. Catalytic application of Pt nanoparticles intercalated in smectite clays for enantioselective hydrogenations. (publications)
Synthesis and characterization of Pt and Pd nanoparticles in MCM-41. Methods: XRD, N2 sorption, TEM, ICP-AES. Catalytic applications in liquid-phase alkene and alkyne hydrogenations. (publications)
Steam reforming of methanol over Cu/ZrO2/CeO2 catalysts. Time-on-stream investigations, study of the reaction mechanism, determination of kinetic parameters. Methods: XRD, N2 sorption, N2O titration, SEM. Experimental setup: 3-channel fixed bed reactor system, on-line GC. Application of hydrotalcite-modified Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 catalysts for the steam reforming of methanol, study of CO formation and structural modifications. (publications)
Young Investigator Award, National Science Foundation (1992)
Bolyai János Research Fellowship (1998-2001)
Békésy Gyorgy Postdoctoral Fellowship (2002-2005)
Széchenyi István Fellowship (2003-2006)
Non-professional interests
Modern arts
Oriental culture