Magyarul / In Hungarian

Anna Fenyvesi

Language Contact

seminar for 2nd through 5th year students

Instructor: Dr. Anna Fenyvesi

Prerequisites: Academic English I, Introduction sociolinguistics

Course description:

The aim of the course is to give an overview of the most important linguistic and sociolinguistic aspects of language contact, i.e. linguistic situations where two (or more) languages affect each other in bilingual (or multilingual) individuals and/or speech communities. The main topics of the course will include mechanisms of contact-induced change (such as transfer, borrowing, interference through shift, and codeswitching) as well as outcomes of language contact of various intensity (such as dialect accommodation, convergence, mixed languages, pidgins, creoles, and language death). In addition to familiarizing students with the historical and sociolinguistic contexts in which language contact can be studied, it will also introduce some analytical methods of comparing linguistic structures in order to provide a tool for linguistic analysis in language contact.

Requirements and evaluation:





For the three assignments, you need to choose a situation of language contact where you are familiar with, preferably, both (or all) of the languages in contact that are involved.

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