Institute of Education

Curriculum vitae

Tibor Baráth


  • Office Address: Department of Education, University of Szeged H-6722 Szeged, Petőfi sgt.30-34, Hungary Tel/fax: 36-62-321034
  • Home Address: H-6728 Szeged, Alkotmány utca 104, Hungary
  • Date of birth: 17 November 1956
  • e-mail: barath (at)


  • Dates - July 1992-present
    Occupation or position held - Senior assistant professor, deputy head of the department between 1995-1998 Director: 1999 onwards at Hungarian-Netherlands School of Educational Management (HUNSEM, University of Szeged)
    Main activities and responsibilities - Teaching undergraduate and graduate courses: Theory of education, Education and society, Comparative pedagogy, Educational policy and administration, School evaluation, Introduction into the social relation of the teaching and learning, Organisation and leadership, Effective school, Quality assurance, Leading, decision and motivation, Team building, Self-knowledge (Experience of leading T-group training: cc. 15 years, 80 groups, 2600 hours) Strategic planning and managing the HUNSEM (professional, financial, organizational issues); planning and leading course development in the field of education, staff development; courses: Effective school, Effectiveness and efficacy of public education, Quality development,
    Name and address of employer - Institute of Education, Faculty of Arts, University of Szeged
    Type of business or sector - Education
  • Dates - March 1988-July 1992
    Occupation or position held - Headmaster
    Main activities and responsibilities - School management, leading school development (new evaluation system of students’ performance, six-grade programme development for high schools), teaching mathematics
    Name and address of employer - József Lengyel Secondary Grammar School
    Type of business or sector - Education
  • Dates - August 1984-March 1988
    Occupation or position held - Fellow worker
    Main activities and responsibilities - evaluation of schools, assessment of students’ performance
    Name and address of employer - County Institute of Education, Győr
    Type of business or sector - Education
  • Dates - August 1981-August 1984
    Occupation or position held - Teachers
    Main activities and responsibilities - Teaching mathematics, physics and computer technics
    Name and address of employer - Révai Miklós Secondary Grammar School, Győr
    Type of business or sector - Education


  • Dates - Jun 1986
    Title of qualification awarded - Doctorate in Mathematics (Abstract algebra)
    Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered - Algebra, Abstract algebra, Automats – game theory; creative problem solving, system thinking,
    Name and type of organisation providing education and training - József Attila University
    Level in national or international classification - Dr.univ.
  • Dates - Sept. 1976.-Jun 1981.
    Title of qualification awarded - M.Sc. in Mathematics and Physics
    Principal subjects/Occupational skills covered - Mathematics and Physics
    Name and type of organisation providing education and training - József Attila University
    Level in national or international classification - M.Sc.


  • English - C1
    German - A2
    Hungarian - C2
  • Social skills and competences - Team work, acting as team worker or leading different teams (research, development, project), cooperation. Leading and involving into international projects I had experience in working international communities. problem- and conflict-solving, decision- making.
  • Organisational skills and competences - Fast recognition of circumstances, focus on the core issues, planning, operative decision making, leading, evaluating. I led 19 – mostly international –higher educational project (R&D) in the field of program development, evaluation.
  • Other skills and competences - I have been working as advisor in the field of organizational development (change management from 2000), quality assurance (1998) and human resource development (RDA, 2006).
    1991 onwards: I took actively part in 29 international conferences provided lecture, led seminar or workshop.
    1996 onwards: I took actively part in 43 national conferences provided lecture, led seminar or workshop.
    I planned several – more than 10 – projects, wrote complex reports, executive summaries. I edit several books both in Hungarian and English language, I wrote about 80 studies, chapters of books.
  • Driving licence(s) - B type driving licence



  • 2011.november 24.: School Leader Competences: the Driving Force behind Teacher Motivation and Student Outcomes. School leaders – the competent driving force Demand-driven competence definition for school leaders and school autonomy.
  • 2011. szeptember 24.: 20. ENIRDELM Conference (Reykjavik): Demand-driven competence elaboration and school autonomy
  • 2011. szeptember 23.: 20. ENIRDELM Conference (Reykjavik): Cui prodest? Learning – Leadership – Ethic.
  • 2010. szeptember 18.: 19.ENIRDELM Conference (Szeged): Does leadership matter? Implications for Leadership Development and the School as a Learning Organisation. PDA – the optimal way of organizational development. The role and responsibility of school leadership
  • 2009. szeptember 19.: 18.ENIRDELM Conference (Antwerpen): Leadership in a complex world
  • 2009. szeptember 19.: 18.ENIRDELM Conference (Antwerpen): Sustainability and school Leadership – the case of Hungary
  • 2009. május 29.: School Leadership for Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Europe (Budapest): Development of School Leadership – how to train successful school leaders? (Rapporteur on the plenary session)
  • 2009. május 29.: School Leadership for Educational Innovation in the 21st Century Europe (Budapest): Development of School Leadership – how to train successful school leaders? (Moderator of the section)
  • 2008. szeptember 26.: 17.ENIRDEM/2. ENIRDELM Conference (Bergen): Leadership – Learning – Performance
  • 2007. szeptember 22.: 16. ENIRDEM/1.ENIRDELM Conference (Uppsala): Eco-Schools – Sustainability – Leadership
  • 2007. szeptember 20.: Peer Learning Activity (Budapest): RDA: Developing the competences of teachers
  • 2007. szeptember 19.: Peer Learning Activity (Veszprém): How school governance has been changed through the new leadership training.
  • 2007. január: 20th ICSEI Conference, Portoroz: Accountability in the Hungarian Public Education (Round Table)
  • 2007. január: 20. ICSEI Konferencia, Portoroz: Self-Evaluation in the Hungarian Schools (S)
  • 2005. november: Bridges across Boundaries, Closing conference of the project: Self-evaluation in Hungarian Schools, Budapest, Magyarország
  • 2005. szeptember: ESDP Closing Conference, Brno: Projectmanagement – Presentation of the ESDP Module (SE)
  • 2005. szeptember: ESLN munkakonferencia, Budapest
  • 2004. november: School Development Advisors: From a pilot project to systematic educational policies?, Masaryk University, Brno: School Consultancy and School Improvement in Hungary (PE)
  • 2001. december: OECD Seminar on Managing Education for Lifelong Learning (invited to the inner circle)
  • 2001. március: Joint National Assessment Project of Five Countries, Csehország: Evaluatin of Schools in Hungary (PE)
  • 1999. szeptember: VIII ENIRDEM, Budapest, Magyarország: Quality Assurance in Management Training (SzV, SE, Sz)
  • 1998. június: World Bank Seminar, Szeged
  • 1998. augusztus: 23th ATEE Conference, Limerick, Írország: Models and Concept of Effectiveness in Public Education (SE)
  • 1997. november: Quality Evaluation in School Education, Luxemburg
  • 1997. november: Holland-Magyar Vezetőképző Program záró konferenciája, Amszterdam, Hollandia (Se, Sz)
  • 1997. szeptember: VI ENIRDEM Conference, Örebro, Svédország: Models of Effectiveness in Public Education – Values and Culture Effects on Effectiveness (SE)
  • 1997. augusztus: 22th ATEE Conference, Macerata, Olaszország: Teacher In-Service Training and Management Development in a Changing World (SE)
  • 1996. szeptember V. ENIRDEM Conference, Antwerpen, Belgium: Role of Institutional Evaluation in Developing School as Learning Organisation (SE)
  • 1995. november: EFEA 8th Intervisitation Programme, Budapest, Magyarország: Information about Founding and Launching a University Programme Leading to a Certificate (SE, Sz)
  • 1995. szeptember: IV. ENIRDEM Conference, Prága, Csehország (SzV)
  • 1995. január: 8th ICSEI '95, Leeuwarden, Hollandia
  • 1994. október: III ENIRDEM Conference, Helsinki, Finnország: Implementation of a Master’s Programme on Educational Management (SE)
  • 1993. október: II ENIRDEM Conference, Katowice, Lengyelország
  • 1993. szeptember: 3rd NESA Conference, Budapest, Magyarország: Endeavor to Renewal of the Hungarian Educational Management Training System in Hungary in the Framework of an International Collaboration (SE)
  • 1993. május: Programme for improvement educational management training system on regional level in Hungary. Spring Conference of Dutch and Hungarian Educational Support Institutes, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (PE, Sz)
  • 1993. január: 6th ICSEI '93, Norrköping, Svédország Possibilities for adapting and implementing the Western European educational management training models in the Central European countries (SE)
  • 1991. december: ESHA East-West Conference, Utrecht, Hollandia (SzV)
  • 1991. szeptember: 16th ATEE Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Hollandia: Need for Educational Management Training in Hungary (SE)

  • PE:  pleanáris előadás (plenary presentation)	SzV: Szekcióvezetés (chair a section, reporting)
    SE: Szekcióelőadás (presentation in section, workgroup, workshop)	
    Sz: Közreműködés a konferecniaszervezésben (member of the organization committee)
    S: Szimpózium (symposium)	K: kerekasztal (round table discussion)
    P: Pódiumbeszélgetés (podium discussion)	
    Konferencia (részvétel)
    Bírálati rendszerű konferencia aktív szerepléssel (előadás stb. tartása)
    Egyéb konferencia aktív szerepléssel


  • Participation in 37 conferences; taking part as lecturer (plenary or session), chairman, report on a session: 31 times